
I'm wondering if you could help me to interpret two announcements on Wednesday regarding Data Modul AG Produktion und Vertrieb von Elektronischen Systemen (ETR:DAM).

It appears that two companies are tendering offers to buy share in the company at 27.50 Euros.

The 1st announcement from Blitz 14-482 says they have acquired 37% of the share capital of Data Modul.

The 2nd announcement from Arrow Electronics says ...

* Arrow CEHM entered into agreements with several shareholders of the company
including the Hecktor family and Varitronix Investment
* Says management board and supervisory board of Data Modul Ag support the

So I'm unclear as to the resolution. Does this mean there's a bidding war going on?

To be honest I had a higher price target for this share so I'll be disappointed of it goes through at 27.50.

Still mustn't grumble especially as yesterday say Networkers International (LON:NWKI) also bought out.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.


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