Well here we are a New Year and a new Blog which I hope you will enjoy reading and find informative. I will aim to explain why I focus on Compounding my income and explain the background to my investment approach together with periodic research and updates on shares I either hold or am interested in.

In addition I will add comments and links to other blogs or web resources that I find useful from time to time. With that in mind I thought I would start the New Year with a few suggestions of websites, free e-mail newsletters and blogs that I find particularly useful and which recently have given a great overview on the outlook and effects of the on going central bank quantitative easing and views on valuations etc.

The website where my blog is hosted can be found here.

The first one I want to highlight is The Market Oracle who has been very good in recent years and is now calling a housing bull market. Worth signing up for his free updates. There are also lots of other opinion pieces on his site.

Second is things that make you go hmmm which this week looked at the effect of QE, although you may have to sign up for free to read it all, which I highly recommend along with most of the other free stuff from Mauldin economics on the site. Especially the Thoughts from the Frontline by Mauldin himself.

Thirdly I would recommend checking out and subscribing to Aswath Damodaran's blog which in his latest post he topically looks at the valuation of the US market.

That's it for now, but hopefully should be an interesting year ahead. Does anyone else out there have any good sources of free information or research for investors that they can recommend?

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