
Marimedia plc

Market Cap £40.24 million               Share Price 60p

My Initial Purchase

Initially, I liked the business model, I visited their website before buying shares, and looked up their financial accounts and even checked on YouTube for further information.  This link proved useful.

Marimedia Promotional Video

There was just enough positive information out there to entice me to make an initial purchase. Nothing too large as the spread was wide and the normal market size is small.  There is nothing like owning a few shares to encourage an investor to do further research.

About the Company

“Marimedia optimises online advertising revenue for publishers (i.e. website owners) globally through Qadabra, its self-developed proprietary software, which uses complex algorithms to establish the optimal, revenue-generating match of publisher advertising inventory with advertiser space.

”“The company’s technology platform creates an auction that runs almost instantaneously (in milliseconds) to buy and sell advertisements on a per impression basis.”

Additional Research

Later on, after googling the internet and viewing videos connected with the company left me increasingly doubtful about the business model and any company claims.  There was also an issue of a major transaction between connected parties by the company's directors. Worryingly, there was a question concerning the company using aggressive marketing methods to get pop up adverts to appear on customer screens.

I checked out the important exhibitions which they attended. Marimedia reckoned these had been a great success.  I saw no external media coverage to match their enthusiasm. Being in the room with other big businesses does not mean you are important to the industry.

I got this piece of information from Enigma Software which had Marimedia and Qadabra as one in the same.

Ads1.qadabra.com is a suspicious website that may be used by browser hijackers and adware makers to market a variety of products by displaying numerous pop-up advertisements and notifications. Adware related to Ads1.qadabra.com may be embedded into a Web browser through packaged free software that computer users can download from unreliable download websites.

Installing free applications on the PC may permit the Web browser to load adware or other potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) that may show non-stopAds1.qadabra.com pop-up advertisements. These ads were generated with the goal to most likely earn money from clicks. PC users may also intentionally download adware pertaining to Ads1.qadabra.com thinking that it is a beneficial tool. Adware…

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