Nyota Minerals (LON:NYO, ASX:NYO) is a mining business registered in Australia, has its Head Office in Perth, Western Australia and is quoted in London on AIM and on the ASX in Australia. Nyota Minerals changed its name from Dwyka Diamonds in September 2009. And the company until recently had three prospects, all in Africa, in Ethiopia, Burundi and Swaziland. Of these Ethiopia is the most advanced and thus is of the most interest. In Ethiopia, Tulu Kapi is the jewel in the crown. It is ISA-able and seems to me to be a very attractive proposition. I came across the company late in 2009 and made a modest purchase at 7.25p in November 2009. So I am well pleased with progress to date and look forward to plenty more. 

In Ethiopia Nyota holds three licences. Its core project here is its gold exploration licence at Tulu Kapi.
It also has gold exploration licences which are all in western Ethiopia in Wellega Province, Oromiya Regional State, approximately 360 kilometres west of the capital Addis Ababa. The platinum interest is at Yubdo where Nyota owns 51% of a historically small producing platinum mine. The intention is to shut down the small pilot plant there and concentrate on further exploration.

In Burundi Nyota has a 100% interest in the Muremera nickel project in Burundi, Africa, which it acquired in January 2007. The Deposit has a similar geology to nearby Kabanga, currently the world’s largest undeveloped nickel sulphide project. The Company controls the Muremera Nickel Project through its wholly owned subsidiary, Danyland Limited, which holds the exploration rights for nickel and associated minerals in the project area. According slide 3 of the Feb 2010 Company Presentation shows this project as a “Potential Spin-out”

In Swaziland Nyota held a 45% indirect interest in the Swazigold Project in Swaziland, Africa. The project was on the back-burner - see slide 3 of the Feb 2010 Company Presentation which shows this project as “Sale or Farm Out”. On 14th May Nyota announced it had transferred its interest in this project to its jv partner, Savinara Company SA. Nyota retained a 50% interest in the proceeds of any sale of the project by Savinara SA.

Back to Tulu Kapi - the jewel in the crown!

This is the most advanced of Nyota's prospects and on 6th May 2010,…

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