There has not been much discussion on the eelction but this time next month the countries prime minister will be decided.

After watching the leaders debate last night and the subsequent growing support for the Lib dems I must admit it is a concern although I don't think the Lib dems will win an outright election. William Hill has reduced the odds from 300/1 to 25/1 though.

I don't know how well the election campaign will go in the coming 3 weeks but I personally think it will be a total disaster for the UK if the Lib Dems have an outright win.

Having read their manifesto on a brief glance basis :

I am strongly against a banking levy and extra regulation on banks - IMO this is just a hidden tax on consumers as any levies on banks will just be passed onto the consumer.

They also want to cap bonuses by £2500 max cash payment - I think that is ridiculous. What incentive do good hard working people have of really making an effort to get somewhere in life when people spend many hours of their time and make the effort to work incredibly hard ?

They want to bring the CGT allowance to £1000 from the current £10,000 then why would people even bother investing in the UK ?

They should'nt raise the minimum wage for 16 year olds or anyone else...I think they should let the market and companies decide what to pay individuals depending on what they are worth.

These types of actions would be a total disaster for the UK.

What I do like is ...

- the rise in the tax free earning threshold to £10K as I do believe those less well off should be helped and in somways encouraged to work more. As I do think there are people who work to make money up to the current tax free threshold of £6,475.

- I am a big fan of a smaller government and less MPs as I think far too much money is wasted on politicians.

- Cap in public sector pay rises especially since they have recieved pay rises the past two years - no way do I believe…

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