Executive Summary

Johnson Matthey is a speciality chemicals company and a world leader in advanced materials technology. The group focuses on its core skills in catalysts, precious metals and fine chemicals, developing products that enhance the quality of life for millions around the world. Since its foundation as a precious metals assayer in 1817, Johnson Matthey has continued to develop new technology, demonstrating its ability to maintain world leadership by adapting constantly to the ever-changing needs of customers. Today the company employs around 7,400 people in 34 countries across the globe and its principal activities reflect its core skills. Johnson Matthey is synonymous with precious metals and is the world's largest fabricator and distributor of platinum group metals (pgm) and a market leader in the refining of gold and silver. For the global pharmaceutical industry, Johnson Matthey works in partnership with its customers to develop and supply active pharmaceutical ingredients such as the world leading platinum based anticancer drugs, cisplatin and carboplatin. Johnson Matthey also applies its expertise in precious metals and materials technology, supplying coatings and surface treatment for glass and other applications. In catalysis, Johnson Matthey is a world leader in the manufacture of catalysts for vehicle exhaust emissions control and a leader in catalyst systems for the reduction of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from industrial processes. It supplies high performance catalysts into a diverse range of global markets and is world leader in catalysts and components for the emerging fuel cells market.


Company History


Current Events


Business Model








Distribution/Routes to Market


Market & Competition


Market Share


Main Competitors


Competitive Strengths and Weaknesses






Profit & Loss


Balance sheet






Comparable Companies


SWOT Analysis










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