I was just thinking about today's 'bounce'. Is it the real thing or is it just a single 'up day'? The FTSE 250 is up against a couple of resistances....so we'll see.
Anyway when I was wondering about 'Is this the real thing' the words of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody sprang to mind..... so I thought the following was (kind of) relevant! :) and a little 'lie tarted' fun (I hope it's original, cos I just thought of it):

"Bohemian Rhapsody" (Trader's version) By Frank Marshall- courtesy Queen.

Is this the real rise? (Not sure)

Is this just fantasy? (Probably)

Caught in a price slide, (Not this time; I'm in cash! :)

No escape from reality. (That's true!)

Open your eyes, (Alright then)

Look up to the skies and see, (See what?  Deliverance?)

I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy, (Getting poorer, and I DO need sympathy)

Because It's easy come, easy go, (I wish!)

Little highs, little lows, (Yes, I've seen 'em on the charts)

Anyway the wind blows doesn't really matter to me, to me. (Well it does actually; it affects my retirement!)


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