In my research i have come across Bob Rodriguez. Some of things i have read i have found interesting and will share with others here. Maybe people can share their thoughts on Bob ?

Bob was voted the best fund manager of our time by the Money Magazine in 2008.

You want a fund manager who will charge reasonable fees, keep his fund from growing too big for your own good, think independently and courageously and communicate his actions and intentions clearly.

You also want someone who will invest his own money alongside yours - and who knows how much it hurts to lose it. The best fund manager, then, combines a long and convincing track record of excellent performance with a fierce dedication to treating his investors fairly.

Rodriguez has never lost money in a calendar year; he has outlegged the Lehman Brothers aggregate bond index by 0.2 percentage points annually since 1984. Bob Rodriguez has achieved all this while steadfastly treating his investors fairly. Perhaps because he is the largest individual shareholder in each fund, FPA Capital charges only $8.60 in annual expenses per $1,000 invested


Bob did lose 35% last year though.....but he still beat the market!

Last June, Rodriguez gave a speech that warned of the coming credit crisis so accurately that it reads with hindsight as if he had been peering into a crystal ball.



Fresh out of college in 1971, Rodriguez jumped into the hot growth stocks of the day. "I thought if you couldn't compound money at 20% to 25% a year, you were basically incompetent,"


The lesson didn't stop there. "I learned that if you make a mistake and you don't tear it apart to see what you did wrong, you're going to repeat it in the future. I learned that fear is a terrible thing to have." He adds, "The best way to minimize your fear is to have a solid understanding of the companies you invest in."


Is that not what ee has done with Soco? Have a solid understanding of the business. I continue to be impressed by ee's & Davjo's thoughts & impressive insight into Soco.

Rodriguez discovered Benjamin Graham and David Dodd's Security Analysis. Graham and Dodd helped him realize that…

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