I attended Norseman Gold's presentation at the Proactive Investors event on 1st October, which this thread is intended to document and discuss. However, I will not repeat material that is stated in the presentation slides, which are well worth downloading and studying. There is also a general discussion thread for the company, which includes up to date production & cost history and you'll find more background detail in the wiki.

Proactive saved the best to last andI was delighted that Barry Cahill had flown over from Aus to deliver an informative and entertaining presentation. He is also presenting to institutional investors here.


Pre- and Post-presentation chat

I and others buttonholed Barry before the event began. Firstly, it was pleasure to shake his hand after his achievements over the last year. Obviosuly Norseman has been helped by a firm gold price but Barry and his team have done a sterling job of raising production and driving down costs. On that latter issue, Barry warned that Australian labour costs were rising again, due to the recovery in the nickel market leading to greater demand for skilled mineworkers.

Gold Price

He was also asked his view on the gold price, which currently stands at around A$1,150. Note that it's the A$ gold price that counts, NOT the US$ one because a high proportion of Norseman's costs are incurred in A$. Barry's view is that the current price is "about right", given historical average prices and inflation. If he is correct, then I suspect that there is strong chance of an overshoot, as markets rarely find the "right price" and then just settle there! Norseman's profitability is heavily geared to the PoG so an overshoot for a meaningful time would have a dramatic effect on short-term profitability and cashflow.


Whilst NGL is profitable and cashflow positive at current cost and PoG levels, Barry reiterated his strategy to drive down costs by increasing the number of ore sources, from the current two at Harlequin and Bullen, thus making fuller utilisation of the mill. Barry was also asked about the possibility of Norseman paying a dividend (which David Steinepreis had suggested at Norseman's April Minesite presentation). He indicated that current levels of cash and cashflow were sufficient to carry out his strategy and that the Board would have to decide what to do with any excess cash.…

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