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Displaying 3 of 3 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
PFLM - Powerfilm
LON:PFLM^J17 by CantEatValue 22nd Feb '14 · 0 comments · 6042 reads · 4 votes
"I must admit I'm not really much of a pure Graham & Dodd guy. I've always thought that not considering the quality aspects of a business and looking purely for the cheapest valuation metrics is a…"
Solar, biofuels, wind power, fuel cells, carbon trading: trawling the universe of UK listed clean energy stocks
LON:HEGY^J17 by Anna Morrell 11th Jun '10 · 0 comments · 4683 reads · 2 votes
"I was getting rather fed up of the number of times brokers suggest I invest in a sparkling new 'clean power' company, and then couldn't give me any idea of its peer group or the size of the sector. Ev…"
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