Slovenia Insights

Image related to an article about Krka dd Novo Mesto

Are shares in Krka Dd Novo Mesto ready to fly?


Shares in Krka Dd Novo Mesto (LJE:KRKG) are currently trading at 83.2 but a key question for investors is how the economic uncertainty caused by Covid-19 will affect the price. The answer comes down to judging whether Krka Dd Novo Mest...


Image related to an article about Salus Ljubljana dd

Salus Ljubljana Dd share price hits a one-year high

Consumer Defensives

Shares in Salus Ljubljana Dd (LJE:SALR) are currently trading close to a 52 week high, with the share price up by around 6.77% to 710 over the past week. On a one-month basis, the Salus Ljubljana Dd price has risen by 4.41%. For invest...


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