No one seems to have written anything about Adnams on Stockopedia - hardly surprising given that it is quoted on OFEX, and hasn't even made it on to AIM.

My mother wanted to buy some a few months ago, and her broker made he sign a special disclaimer, saying that she was a sophisticated investor, and prepared to invest high risk and illiquid stocks at her own risks.

Of course - Adnams is not without risk, but COME ON. It is a brewery owned by the same family since 1872. But before that there has been a brewery there since before the Black Death hit Europe in the 13th Century. No doubt the regulator would consider Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds, HBOS, Bradford & Bingley in 2006 as "low risk" and suitable for retail investors.

Anyhow - let me know what you think

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