Portfolio update Q2 & July 2021

Can you believe Covid19 is still around! Early on we all thought it would be gone by now! The vaccine program roll out has been a success in general and is starting to have a positive effect on the number of cases and more importantly the number of deaths! My wife and I have our second dose next week… Both getting the Pfizer vaccine.

It has been another quiet quarter for me so hence the prompt summary as there is not much to summarise! I have been busy at work too – this also keeps me from overtrading because I don’t get as much time to meddle!


My YTD performance has been good with a return at the 31st of July 2021 of 30.9% so needless to say I am very happy with that! Lets hope I can hold onto these gains until the year end and maybe even increase them!


In general I have been sitting on my hands and monitoring progress again. This meant that only 8 Trades were made in this 4 month period.


Sell Trades

09/04/2021 SELL Novacyt Sa (LON:NCYT) What a rollercoaster ride this was, after being up 100%+ at one point to sell on a profit warning was a disappointment to say the least!

LOSS 9.4%

Profit Warning -disputed contract -uncertain future bye thanks for the learning experience should have sold half at +100

My transaction note for Novacyt sale!

05/05/2021 SELL Sylvania Platinum (LON:SLP) – Selling some of corporate account holding to reduce oversized holding (since I bought more in SIPP at 114p in Q1) sold at 130p

I still have a small holding in SLP in this account with the main holding remaining in the SIPP. So when I see a suitable opportunity I will sell the remaining here.

GAIN 144%

28/06/2021 SELL Afh Financial (LON:AFHP) – This takeover was announced in Q1 but it has taken until now for the deal to complete and funds to come in. These funds were withdrawn to complete a property purchase.

GAIN 41.5%

Buy Trades

08/04/2021 BUY Jubilee Metals (LON:JLP) This company was brought to my attention in one of the Stockopedia stock slams it is held by Mark Slater and is more diverse than SLP in that it is…

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