SP hammered in 2008 from lofty heights of 340p to as low as 15p inearly 2009 for many reasons but IMHO the single most damaging reasaon they are slow to recover to anywhere near even 50% of original value is that they have failed to deliver any appreciable increase in production due to delays in Causeway/Fyne & Dandy. 2009, with new UK Tax incentives for smaller fields these borderline "marginal" assets and Antrim's enviable position of no debt and cash in bank to at least keep company afloat could make it a target for UKNS scavengers or even the Middle East Petrodollar mobs.

June 14 2009: - Just adding a cross link to the ADVFN thread for followers to also look at http://www.advfn.com/cmn/fbb/thread.php3?id=14881729 

and website http://www.antrimenergy.com/

and link to important TSX quotes which drive the fortunes of AEY over here on AIM. .http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=AEN.TO

Anyway feel free to contribute to the thread on any matters AEY related.




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