YTD to end Mar 2024 : -1.3% vs FTSE All-Share benchmark +2.5%

CY2023: +9.7% vs +3.9% benchmark

3yr (2021-2023): +49% vs +15% benchmark

Detailed writeup for Jan, Feb, and Mar monthly performance available on my Boon Fund substack. On Stockopedia, I will be writing a quarterly abbreviated summary.

Performance YTD

There is no sugar-coating it; I have struggled in the first quarter of 2024, adrift from the benchmark by 3.8 percentage points. I had ended Feb almost neck and neck (-0.8%) but the stunning gains in the FTSE All-Share, driven by the FTSE100 following the momentum of US Indexes, left my mainly AIM and FTSE250 shares behind. In addition, my largest position, Direct Line Insurance (LON:DLG), sank heavily with the takeover offer from Ageas fizzling out.

However, as I've come to realise from my style of investing, the vast majority of my gains come from a few months of the year. Hence, with 9 more months to play, I am optimistic. All it takes is one takeover, or two or three of my shares re-rating and delivering my 40%+ goal, to deliver some serious percentage point gains for my overall portfolio. With only 8 shares that are each larger than 5% of my portfolio value, I run a decently concentrated set of holdings.

Meanwhile, the US Markets keep powering on. Breadth (DMA200) in the S&P500 is around 80%, which is the highest its been since early 2021. What started as just a few tech shares powering the rally, has now lifted all boats. In the UK markets, breadth is a bit lower, at 65% for the FTSE100 and FTSE250. Still impressive, and indicative of further market momentum for a bit longer. AIM100, however, is still struggling to gain momentum, with breadth of 35%.

While on valuation metrics, none of the UK indexes scream good value at the moment, I have to acknowledge that the emotional side of investing is a big component of price movements. It looks like, given the breadth indicator as well as general optimism of a soft landing, we might see shares power up further for a while longer. I’m therefore going to selectively deploy more of my cash in April.

I’ve had a few buy price alerts triggered at the end of March, so there is plenty of optionality for me to deploy more…

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