Update: 11/09/2024

iomart (LON:IOM) having spent a year watching this share decline in share price from when I sold on 10/08/23 I have bought back in yesterday. It’s a pretty boring share tbh but has been steady (apart from the share price which has clearly been in a steady decline). I have only bought a starting position as I never go all in on a declining share price. New ceo has been in place now for a year who wishes to accelerate the company, but this takes time. Overall it’s steady, growing revenues and profits but with a slight decline in operating margins while changes take place. While it does have debt of £24m, this is quite manageable and has fcf of £16m. Whether their “bigger better bolder” policy comes to fruition who know, but they have been in the business of hybrid cloud, cyber security and secure connectivity for some years and are well established. With this sector only likely to grow in the coming years it’s not a bad company to have some exposure to tech.

Broker target price is 240p, which is over 100% uplift from the current price of 114p.

It has now come down to a price where I see it as too cheap. Currently market cap is approximately  the same as the book value of the company which makes it now a possible target for a take over. The share price yesterday hit previous lows from 2022-2023 where there is strong support. RSI and STOCH are very low.  Next update from the company will be in October.

The latest news from the company can be found here showing installation of solar panels which should help cut costs. https://www.iomart.com/updates...


CML Microsystems (LON:CML) 450p 20/06/2023

I do not hold, previously sold at 550p.

Recommended a few times over the last year or so in Investor Chronicles and a positive review by Paul Scott back in March. No recent bad news to move the sp. Probably just dropped from profit taking. Looking to buy back in between 425p-420p. Market cap of £69m with cash of £24m. Revenues increasing as well as profits. Results due on 27/06/2023. Likely a dividend in August as well as December.

 Retraced from top of upward channel with bottom of channel around 420p (ish). Below the 50ma but…

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