I know Stockopedia is designed primarily to help pick value stocks but what attracted me to it was mainly the fact that it provided a Folio tool that would analyse my Portfolio performance. At the moment I have GnuCash, Excel plus two on line accounts that allow me (with much data copying and manipulation) to keep tabs on my investments. Stockopedia seemed to be able to combine all these into one location so there would be no need to copy data, everything would be in one place and I would have the benefit of the analysis tools. I laboriously entered my Portfolio data into a Folio in Stockopedia and after a few hours I was ready to hit the Analyse button. It crashes. The answer from Stockopedia is that it takes too long so it times out! Why can't the tool have a function that increases the time out when it detects a large number of transactions?
There are a couple of other issues or Opportunities for improvement which would help this be a better tool.

1. Include the option to specify cash Interest and charges as well as deposits and withdrawals
2. Provide a user defined investment where the user would assign a name, value etc. This would allow investments such as Funds to be included in the Folio.

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