• Jubilee Platinum plc is a mining exploration and development company with a focus on platinum group elements (PGE) and nickel/copper.
  •  The Company’s prime asset in South Africa is the Tjate project, in which it has a 63 % beneficial interest. The project covers some 5140 hectares and is downdip of existing Anglo Platinum’s Twickenham and Impala Platinum’s Marula operations. The project’s exploration area has been independently estimated to be a target for potentially some 65 million oz (41 million oz attributable) of PGEs (platinum group elements) and gold net of geological losses.
  • Jubilee is also looking to capitalise on the vast untapped mineral wealth of Madagascar, where it is exploring a number of nickel/copper/PGM projects, Londokomanana, Lavatrafo and Ambodilafa, the latter in joint venture with a major Impala Platinum Holdings (Implats) the second largest PGM producer in the world.







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