Big rally going on in the United States could be due to the market being so technically oversold for so long. Maybe it’s the $2 trillion aid package the Senate has approved or a combination. It will drag up Europe and rest of world, despite COVID-19 spreading like wildfire.

Is it just a short-term suckers rally and then markets will tank and go down even further. President Trump is talking about calling off the quarantine after Easter.  He clearly believes that he will not be reelected, if he allows the strict lockdown to continue. This will mean the virus will spread across the US unchecked and many will die. (You know how many million, without me telling you.) The Economist has said that many countries will have to lock down more than once and this will just be too expensive for their economy and world economy to take.

The other fundamental view is that as more and more people die and it spreads to more and more countries, that fear will grow and global stock markets will tank even more than before.

When we finally see the end of COVID-19 will there be a rapid market and economic recovery or will we be in the grips of a 1930s style great depression.

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