I regularly check out the very slick dashboard on Stockopedia's home page. I've been a particular fan of the Guru Screens section. This includes a Guru index, which is a composite of all 60 or so long guru screens maintained by Stockopedia.

Over the past few months I have been increasingly puzzled by the droopy looking shape of the Guru composite index versus the FTSE 100 index. I've replicated the chart below to show you what I mean:

This shows the composite Guru index steadily pulling away from the FTSE 100, accelerating away during the second half of 2013 but then falling back over the last six months or so. In contrast,the FTSE 100 has been holding its ground pretty well during 2014.

Stockopedia handily group Guru screens by 'style performance' (e.g. Value, Growth, Momentum, Income etc.) so you can dive a bit more into the detail (although this is subscriber only service). Unfortunately, this doesn't really shed much light on proceedings. The FTSE 100 outperforms every one of these style indices over the past six months. In other words, whatever you investment style, you have probably lost money over the past six months. Unless of course your guru is a monkey with a pin and a list of FTSE 100 companies. In that case, you are probably slightly ahead.

This seemed to me to be a very strange state of affairs and so I decided to really put in some effort to work out what is going on. I spent a lot of time stratifying performance data and looking for patterns, After a number of false leads, I stumbled over something very interesting. It turns out I was looking in the wrong place. I should have been looking into the benchmark rather than performance factors of the guru screens. I will just cut to the chase and show you what happens when you overlay the FTSE 250 index over the composite Guru screens:

This clearly shows that the Guru composite index has been basically tracking the FTSE 250 over this period. Of course, a lot of FTSE 250 stocks appear in these Guru screens. I have done some rough calculations (rough as there isn't a straightforward way of screening out FTSE 250 stocks on Stockopedia) and I reckon about 30 per cent of all Guru screen appearances…

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