StockReports have always been the most popular feature on Stockopedia for good reason - they are designed to give you everything you need to make effective decisions on shares fast - in one single, easily scannable view.

In our earliest releases of the new site there were a few differences compared to the 'classic' format which the community were quick to point out. In this release we've put a big effort in to improve the layout and data fidelity, which bring the new StockReports up to the 'classic' format standards.

Community engagement continues to be a source of invaluable feedback for the development team. On that note, we'd like to thank Paul Scott for taking to the new site and giving us some excellent pointers on what to look at next. Please do follow his lead, and head over to the new site to check out the latest changes.

Here is what's new:

StockReports look more familiar with fixed widths...

Many in the community will be aware that our StockReports were initially inspired by Company REFS - a fixed width & height format print product. Print format designs gives consistency when your eyes scan the data. We'd initially tried providing a 'responsive' layout which filled the width of the screen, but on larger screens that caused issues. So we've fixed this. We've re-introduced a maximum width - you'll find that StockReports look great on wide screens as they now lock out at a max width of 1250 pixels. This means the StockReport keeps its iconic shape and layout by remaining compact across all displays. If you tend to use larger screens, you'll find the change quite striking.


Quickly see how many 'long' and 'short' GuruScreens a stock qualifies for

The 'Screens passed' widget has been split out so you can immediately identify how many 'long' and 'short' screens a company qualifies for. This means that you don't have to scroll through the different screens to find out if there are any surprises in there.


Get more accurate peer group sets to compare your stocks against

At the bottom of the StockReport you'll find a list of similar companies to the stock you are looking at. This peer group is generated according to your investment universe, making it a great way to find new research opportunities. We're…

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