As I'm sure you are aware, this site is very dependent on user contributions, and we'd like to create a system that 'gives back' as it were - providing extra features and functionality for the most regular contributors

I would like to stress that this is highly beta  and up for discussion only... we haven't modelled the numbers and the levels are indicative only.    Please give us all the feedback you can - don't hold back!

Here's the general idea...
If you post a comment or a new piece of content...
    •    for each up vote you receive 1 reputation point.
    •    for each down vote you lose 1 reputation point.

If a post of yours is moderated for abuse you lose XXX reputation points.  Between 10 and 100 - to be decided.

You can gain maximum of 10 reputation per day maximum.
If a piece of content is promoted to an article, or an event is accepted, you gain 10 reputation points.  
If you win a competition or challenge you gain 100 reputation points.

Amass enough reputation and you gain extra facilities as below.

  • Reputation 2 -  Vote up (Lurkers can comment but can't vote until their own content is voted up)
  • Reputation 5 -  can Report Abusive Posts
  • Reputation 10 - can Vote Down - (should it cost to vote down?)
  • Reputation 50 - Edit community wiki pages - e.g. Help Pages, general Wikis (more to come on this front!!!)
    Reputation 50 - Ability to view ‘New’ Post counts on threads since your last visit - (this is quite database intensive, and perhaps shouldn't be available to lurkers)
  • Reputation 200 - Access to Forum Moderation Tools - moderate, ignore etc
  • Reputation 250 - Create Events
  • Reputation 500 - Reduced advertising
  • Reputation 500 - Create Games
  • Reputation 500 - Retag other people’s content
  • Reputation 500 - Ability to ‘Close’ Threads to further comment
  • Reputation 1000 - Further reduced advertising
  • Reputation 1000 - Editorial aspects
  • Reputation 1000 - Edit other people’s content - controversial perhaps? - but will be transparent through the changelog
  • Reputation 1000 - Edit company Details and Pages
  • Reputation 1000 - Can promote content to articles
  • Reputation 2000 - Zero Advertising
  • Reputation 2000 - full access to editorial suite

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