In response to pressing market structure issues amongst smaller companies listed on the AIM and PLUS markets, the Small Cap Network has launched a series of networking round tables to examine innovative solutions.

The first event is scheduled for Wednesday October 6th at the London Chamber of Commerce and is titled 'Escaping the Liquidity Trap'. 

With market-makers widening spreads in the wake of the credit crunch and mainstream media attention focused elsewhere, small and mid cap companies face an increasingly challenging task in communicating with investors, making their shares accessible and liquid, and improving their market exposure. The seminar will focus on strategies for improving trading volumes and raising awareness of smaller company stories among investors, both institutional and private. 

Sophie Douglas, Manager of Sharemark, said:

Liquidity and market visibility are a constant cause for concern for smaller UK listed companies. In many cases, institutional investors are unable to invest in smallcaps due to size restrictions, while private investors are deterred from investing by liquidity or are difficult to reach through traditional channels”.

The Small Cap Network is an industry Working Group, founded by Stockopedia and Sharemark, which focuses on issues of common concern in the UK smaller companies market. The Small Cap Network works with respected Industry Trade Bodies such as the Quoted Companies Alliance to tackle pressing issues including liquidity, access to information and media visibility through arranging events and publishing White Papers. 

In addition to a presentation by guest Speaker, Gavin Oldham, CEO of Share plc, the event will include an expert panel discussion followed by networking opportunities. The panel includes representatives from the Quoted Companies Alliance, Aventus Capital Management, Edison Investment Research, and Pelham Bell Pottinger. The event is targeted at UK listed company CEOs, FDs, IROs and AIM company advisers and is free to attend.

Edward Croft, CEO of Stockopedia, added:

We are excited about this latest initiative and hope that it will help encourage a resolution of the critical issues that exist on the UK market and other international markets in relation to smaller company liquidity. The Small Cap Network welcomes any participants who are willing to proactively contribute to market solutions.”.

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