So, I took a brief summer break from the weekly TWTWTW listing, in the meantime I have slickened up so of the back end processing, so I’ll bring it back for a short while. I’m still not sure that it adds sufficient value to be worth the effort, but any comments gratefully received.

To recap in brief, the aim was to filter the 3,000+ RNSes issued each week to those really significant ones that move the dial (in terms of share price changes). The earlier articles are linked at the bottom of this piece and give more detail on the evolution of the concept.

The week in numbers

Share Price Movement / Market Cap Micro Larger Total
>20% 6 5 11
10-20% 8 9 17
5-10% 14 30 44
Total 28 44 72

In keeping with the other weeks I have looked at the total number of announcements was greater than 3,000 (more than 600 per day). However only 72 were associated with company share price movements (on the day) of 5% or more.

Here is the summary by size (market cap) and scale of share-price move.

As usual the micro-caps (Less than £30m) made up a significant proportion of the overall number and a majority of the very big movers +/- 20% or more on the day.


Only a small minority of the companies in this weeks list have peeked my interest in the past, so please be aware that my quick grab of the headlines here will NOT represent an informed view.

  • It is unsurprising that a micro-cap oiler ( Oilex (LON:OEX) ) tops the list of biggest movers, recording a 77% rise on the day of their announcement (incidentally made during market hours at a little after 9am). What is more surprising was that this announcement didn’t tell us they had discovered oil – they actually resolved a dispute with another Oilco.
  • Second on the list is Catenae Innovation (LON:CTEA) a micro-cap, “the AIM quoted provider of digital media and technology” who issued a profits warning (in fact AFAIK they have never made a profit and are not forecast to do so anytime soon) which saw the shareprice fall by 37%.
  • Kropz (LON:KRPZ)  …

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