I would echo Pauls comments on yesterdays SVR thread when he said

I’ll (Paul) be getting my chequebook out, with some early purchases of bargains on my watchlist. Selectively, I think there are some really attractive buying opportunities out there right now.

I am feeling worn out and demoralised with trying to stay afloat with my portfolio with the current market volatility. I think my portfolio must be down by around 25%, maybe more.

But I’m thinking we can perhaps turn this current situation into a positive by transferring money from not so great shares we own into much more solid shares that may currently be priced at bargain prices. But these shares must be meet certain criteria so that we can feel comfortable holding long term; such as ability to weather market volatility, good long-term upside, as well as being at a bargain price. The hope would be that we could look back 3-5 year from now and feel we made a good call in a difficult situation!

I’m sure many others are thinking along similar lines, would be great to hear what shares you think might fit the ‘buying opportunity for long-term hold’ requirement.

Henry Boot (LON:BOOT) is one such candidate on my list (not sure if it is at a bargain priced yet…)

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