The Six-Degree Screener - Click here to view

Six degrees of separation theory: Any person can be connected to any other person on the planet through a chain of acquaintances that has no more than five intermediaries.

When I first came across this theory, I must admit to being doubtful of its truthfulness, but when I started to connect the dots, I changed my mind and starting to see the world in a smaller and more connected way.

So why am I posting this on Stockopedia?

I created a map of PLC companies which is a visual way to discover listed PLC companies in your location, and question how many degrees of separation there is between you and the knowledgable people within them. Click here to view the map

To begin with, you might be unaware of any known links, but asking around friends and family might show closer connections than once thought, and it might just offer a new way to find investment ideas by connecting to local insightful people.

Let me know if this is of interest.



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