The bull run continues, and it’s the start of a new quarter. It is likely that you had a positive one, as Q2 2020 ranks in the top ten best quarters of all time. Therefore, if you didn’t have a positive quarter, it is clear that you were not playing the trend. 

All that fancy research from highly paid and super clever analysts, complex discounted cash flows to compute the fair value of the equity, statistical analysis of economic forecasts, may or may not have given the correct answer which showed itself in the charts. 

That is why I allow the chart and the trends it shows to reign supreme across all other methods, and why I will continue to say that even investors should consider technical analysis in their approach. I often look at the fundamentals of a stock when trading (though this is certainly not my strong suit), as does Mark Minervini in his trademark VCP, and can’t understand why anyone would deliberately shun one side or the other. My view is that I’m here to make money, and anything that will give me a legal edge in the market – I will use it. Why would you not?

I remain bearish on the economy, but long on stocks. So long as we see continued rises and stocks breaking out to new highs, I will remain net long. Whatever your view, I do hope that you and your family will remain safe, and that you will also have a positive quarter in the coming months. 


LoopUp is a stock that is classed as a “software-as-a-service provider of remote meetings”. So it’s similar to Zoom, only I’ve never heard of LoopUp. I did see it on an advert on the tube once, as it stuck out having already been aware of the stock, but everyone I know uses Zoom. 

Despite this, on 24 June 2020 the company announced that it was trading materially above pre Covid-19 levels. I asked one of my brokers to buy a chunk, but was told that I could only have half and that the market maker would work the rest of the order throughout the day. 

I said that I would just take half and kill the order, which is usually not a problem, but in this instance I was told it was market maker etiquette and…

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