Recently we have seen massive increases in the deployment and use of AI.

From face recognition at airport's passport control, Netflix giving personal recommendations based on learned user preferences and Amazon's table top talking shopping list app. thingy!
(not to mention, the upcoming driver-less cars and mini electric aircraft/flying cars).

There is no doubt it will continue to grow exponentially and seamlessly play a part in many aspects of our lives.

Personally, I could also see it assisting in stock selection. Set your criteria e.g. income/growth, your risk appetite and investment time frame and see what recommendations it comes back with for you to down select and choose from, with push alerts along the way whilst holding. Automatic recommendation of further stocks which become fitting to the identified pattern as it learns what you like to invest your hard-earned in. We can all screen for various criteria at the moment, but isn't AI the natural progression?

After all, it started with Graham and Doddsville folk pouring over Moody's reams of company statistics, to find value and opportunity; to disks of data being sent, via subscription, to investors to load into their desktop applications; to today's online data and toolsets. The evolution continues.

On another track, how do we recognise good AI companies to invest in? How do we separate the good companies from the pure hype? how do we avoid the bubble stocks (like Tilray in legal pot). And, to further complicate, how do we know its not a great company underneath, but has been accidentally hijacked by a large band of hopeful and over-enthusiastic investors (private and institutional).

I'm thinking of writing a (say) monthly or quarterly article about this, sharing my own thoughts and and maybe a bit of AI company research. Just for kicks as it's a topic I'm interested in. Maybe its a topic of interest and could promote some exchange of ideas (or maybe not). Just thought I would put it out there?

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