If the fundamental value of gold measured in US-Dollars wasn’t a mystery before; then the past few weeks have added another dimension to the confusion. Supposedly gold is a “safe haven”, so when the rumors of Armageddon started circulating about the Euro, the price “ought” to have gone up? It didn’t, it went down…by 20%...so much for that theory. Is the latest story that the Euro-refugees figured the 10-Year Treasury was a better bet than gold…even after the downgrade? So much also for the idea that gold is an inflation hedge, that pretty much went out the window after all of the QE didn’t cause hyper-inflation, but even-so the price of gold, as measured in dollars doubled. Marc Faber says he will keep buying gold until Ben Bernanke stops printing; well Ben appears to be saying that he doesn’t think any more QE will help and it’s time US Congress grew up and started doing their job instead of just milking the cow for their own account, so is Marc still buying?

OK, the idea that gold is somehow driven by the same thing that drives the price of oil (whatever that is) still sort-of holds. Sort-of…at least on that score the spikes in gold prices do appear to follow spikes in oil prices although by that metric the price should be a lot less than now, as in about $1,000 based on historical trend-line correlations between gold prices and oil. There again, the dramatic decoupling of WTI from Brent starting in 2009 is confusing, as in which one should we be tracking now, if either?

Putting aside what’s driving the fundamental it looks like there might have been a bit of a bubble and bust in gold 2008/9 (or a bust and a bubble in the dollar if you are an Austrian), and the recent events look suspiciously like that too? If those were indeed bubbles-and-busts, then if the bust was fully expressed, one would expect the “fundamental” at the moment of time between the bubble and the bust, to have been somewhere in-between, as in the square-root of the top multiplied by the bottom? If that’s right we can draw two “fundamentals”, put a line through them, and Voila!!


If you buy that logic then the line A-B is the trend, and if indeed “the trend is your friend”, then gold…

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