A decade ago, many oil analysts thought $10 a barrel was the new normal. Just six months ago, when prices were just below $150, forecasters said $200 oil was not out of the question. http://www.rferl.org/content/The_Perils_And_Pitfalls_Of_Oil_Price_Forecasting/1360914.html

So the question for all your Stockopedes if you dare is as follows: factoring in all the variables (supply-and-demand,  recessions & demand destruction, civil wars, major geopolitical crises, the weather, the development of alternative energy), where's the price heading in a) 6 months (i.e. on 21 June 2009), b) the next 2 years (on 21 December 2010) and c) 5 years (on 21 December 2013) ? Let's have your votes.

Answers on the back of a postcard please or using the form below. I want to see your guess and the supporting rationale. The person who's closest to the actual price on each date will win a copy of "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" and their very own barrel of Brent Crude Oil. :-)

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