Pauls Small Cap Report on Friday highlighted $TSLA TESLA.
His article about Tesla and his friends is shown below:

Tesla - The above reminds me of what's gone on with Tesla. A very heavily shorted, perennially loss-making company share has unexpectedly become a star performer, rising from around $250 to $640 in the last 3 months! The valuation is madness now, but it doesn't seem to matter. Although the company does now seem to be moving into profit, and production numbers are good. There's a ton of new competition being launched now, so it won't have the luxury electric car market to itself any more.
At least two of my friends were heavily shorting Tesla shares, and have suffered large losses. In both cases, they said the same thing to me (independently). One said, "I should have closed my short when the good production data came out" [which is what triggered the start of the huge rise].
The other friend said of his Tesla short, "I've got to learn when to throw in the towel, when I've got something wrong".
These are both highly experienced, very successful investors I should add. So behavioural flaws affect everyone, even the best investors. That's my thought for the day!.

I have American friends who own, drive and have years of experience of being a Tesla fan...I urge you to watch the Bloomberg Video on 01/31/20 posted on Youtube.
Put in the search box :Bloomberg Wall Street week..most of the 48 minutes is ok but fast forward to 39 minutes and listen to Cathie Wood, CEO, owner and founder Of Ark Investment Management and you will not be shorting Tesla anytime soon.

The interview with Cathie Wood is compelling and download Arks report for 2020 from their website.
I have no holdings in either Tesla or Ark, but I am going to put money into Tesla now, without any fear.

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