Votes Title Posted by Comments Unread

Small Cap Value Report (Tue 4 Feb 2020) - ZYT, NMC, XLM, PEG, K3C, ALU, TSLA, ESC

Zytronic NMC^D20 XLM PEG
Paul Scott 4th Feb '20

Small Cap Value Report (Fri 27 Sep 2019) - FTSE/Interest Rates, ESC, SONG, EQLS

XP Factory EQLS SONG^G24
Graham Neary 27th Sep '19

Small Cap Value Report (Tue 18 September 2018) - CNKS, JDG, ESC, FLO, TUNE CLIG,

Cenkos Securities JDG XPF FLO
Graham Neary 18th Sep '18

Small Cap Value Report (Mon 12 Mar 2018) - ESC, EVE, MGP, SEE

XP Factory EVE^K22 MGP^G23 SEE
Graham Neary 12th Mar '18
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