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Displaying 21 of 21 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
BP Plc, Royal Dutch Shell, ConocoPhillips, Chevron, Total & ExxonMobil: Are Rising F&D Costs Inevitable in the Oil Industry?
LON:SHEL by EvaluateEnergy 25th Jun '10 · 0 comments · 5902 reads · 5 votes
"Companies are having to work much harder to explore for oil and gas and it’s costing them more per barrel even after the downturn in drilling and other oil service costs in 2009. The latest 2009 figur…"
Greenland Plans for Offshore Drilling in Arctic Waters, with Shell and Statoil bidding to join Cairn Energy
LON:CNE by oilguy 10th May '10 · 1 comment · 6272 read · 2 votes
"While the oil spill from a sunken drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico threatens to become an environmental disaster, plans are proceeding for opening up new drilling territories in the iceberg-infested…"
Sure with Shell
LON:SHEL by Fat Prophets 15th Feb '11 · 0 comments · 2725 reads · 3 votes
"Royal Dutch Shell (LON:RDSA) managed to increase oil production in 2010 which in combination with stronger oil prices and cost cutting has led to profits almost doubling over 2009. Increasing product…"
AIM shares with dividends that are bouncing back
LON:ALU by Ben Hobson 3rd Sep '21 · 14 comments · 4669 reads · 43 votes
"Dividend investors have had a tough time over the past 18 months. With pandemic uncertainty unleashing a wave of payout cuts through the market, it’s been difficult to know how and when companies and…"
BP Plc, Exxon Mobil, ConocoPhilips, Royal Dutch Shell and Chevron: Strength in Q2 Earnings Masks Deeper Woes for Oil Majors
LON:BP. by EvaluateEnergy 11th Aug '10 · 0 comments · 10200 reads · 13 votes
"On the face of it, the Majors turned in some pretty good results in the second quarter. Most companies reported substantially higher earnings than in the second quarter of the previous year off the ba…"
Canadian Shale Horn River Play Attracts Further Japanese Interest in Penn West JV
LON:ENQ by EvaluateEnergy 13th May '11 · 0 comments · 4382 reads · 2 votes
"Japan’s presence in the Canadian shale sector increased this week with Tokyo Gas, Osaka Gas, Chubu Electric and JOGMEC all joining Mitsubishi in their Horn River shale joint venture with Penn West Ene…"
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