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Synety (LON:SNTY)

I attended an excellent meeting yesterday with the Chairman of Synety. As regulars here will know, this is my favourite bull market growth stock. Even the most disciplined of value investors should allow themselves a little excitement, and in my view this one could be a big winner if growth rates continue at the current very rapid rate (from a low base).

My comments here were highly critical of the company's recent Placing & Open Offer, because the discount was too large (and unnecessary) at 250p, a 20% discount, and existing shareholders were only allocated £0.5m of stock, in a 1 for 32 open offer. As an enthusiastic existing holder, I felt let down by this, as it diluted me at a highly attractive price for other people who got in on the Placing (unfortunately news of it didn't trickle down to me, despite me keeping my ear to the ground).

I didn't want to sour an otherwise very positive meeting, so waited until the end, and then asked if it was alright for me to raise some questions about the structure of the fundraising deal. I found the Chairman refreshingly open, and he tacitly accepted that the structure of the deal had upset a lot of people. Their problem was that when they started doing the fundraising, the share price was only a little over 250p, so it was a sensible price at the start of the process, but paradoxically the subsequent rise in share price was rather unhelpful.

I grilled the Chairman on why they had done such a tiny Open Offer (only 10% of the £5m total fundraising), and interestingly he indicated that tacking on the Open Offer onto a Placing incurred only very marginal additional fees. So the people who have been saying that companies save money by doing just Placings, are clearly wrong on that front. The main problem with the Open Offer is that the company had no idea what the take-up would be, hence if they had made the Open Offer larger, then there would have been a greater risk of the fundraising failing.

I found that amazing, as it's blindingly obvious to someone like me who is an active small cap market participant, that existing shareholders will not only mostly take up their entitlement in full, but…

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