"Never average down" is an old trading maxim (as illustrated by the linked article), but is it a correct one?

Contrary to the article, I do quite frequently "average down"... however, I don't see it that way and, as with many maxims, there is grain of truth, which I will try to elucidate in this short article.

Let's consider what "averaging down" means: it implies that the reason for the purchase is to achieve a lower average buy price for the security you have purchased. That in and of itself is a pretty bad reason for a purchase. Why? Because it implies anchoring bias and could also be a consequence of loss aversion. Cognitive biases are the enemy of the successful investor or trader and we must constantly seek to fight them. There is no logical reason why the purchase price of past purchases of a security should have any bearing on a purchase decision you make now, and it is important to try to avoid being influenced by past trades you have executed in the security.

What does matter is any change to the valuation of the security due to newsflow or other factors (e.g. average sector valuation changes) and how any such revised valuation relates to the price that is currently offered for the security. I.E. has the price fallen or risen by more (or less) than is justified by the change to the valuation of the security? Under those circumstances a purchase (or a sale) may be merited.

Under those circumstances, I would consider a purchase to be a "top up", rather than an average down. The criteria for topping up are exactly the same as for making an initial purchase (with the one caveat that you shouldn't breach your own rules for over-concentration in any one security). Just as when making any other purchase, topping up can result in excellent gains - if your judgement is correct, or losses, if you get it wrong.

So, in conclusion, I consider that "averaging down" is a bad idea, but "topping up" can sometimes be a good one.

Happy investing!


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