I am a newbie to Stockopedia. For a long time I resisted the charms of Ed and his team but having over the Christmas period watched a few of his videos on YouTube, I thought I would take the plunge. The reasons – Ed’s honesty. He mentioned that there could be a problem if most Stockopedia followers ‘chased’ the same shares. Ed also mentioned that comparatively speaking performance wise (as in companies highlighted by Stockopedia’s ranking systems) Stockopedia has done well of late, but this is partly because commodities have taken a back seat in recent years. Again an honest viewpoint.

As mentioned in another post, all credit to the IT team at Stockopedia, it is very easy to navigate between the screens and the website seems intuitive.

As for my experience of all of a week, it has been positive, I have bought a few shares in WPP, highlighted on one of the screens, and it has bounced nicely, the subscription has been paid for in the first week. Stockopedia has also thrown up lots of other investment possibilities. And finally, and possibly most importantly, Stockopedia has allowed me to look at my existing portfolio with fresh eyes.

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