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Displaying 50 of 8774 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 10 June 2022) - AO. DFS, NXR, NET, PROC
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 10th Jun '22 · 39 comments · 6967 reads · 123 votes
"Good morning! It's Paul & Jack here with the last SCVR for this week. Agenda - Paul's Section:  Backlog items from yesterday - AO World (LON:AO.) - closure of German business makes sense, due to c…"
Small Cap Value Report (Wed 17 August 2022) - BOO, PURP, COG, MOON, CINE, GHH, GATC, CFX, MYSL
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 17th Aug '22 · 45 comments · 8861 reads · 127 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham! Today's report is now finished. Agenda -  Paul's Section: See the reader comments section below, where I put up brief comments first thing, covering (as I hold the…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 30 Sept 2022) - MCB, MADE, TPX, XSG
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 29th Sep '22 · 47 comments · 7310 reads · 129 votes
"Good morning from Paul. What a chaotic week it's been, I'm so glad it's nearly over! Some cracking reader comments this week, I'm delighted to see the reader comments section coming alive with really…"
Small Cap Value Report (Mon 9 Jan 2023) - FDEV, BWNG, NANO, DEVO, ANP
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 9th Jan '23 · 45 comments · 8962 reads · 179 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham! Today's report is now finished. Weekend podcast is here. Also the typed version is here for Stockopedia subscribers. Thank you for all the feedback, much appreciat…"
Small Cap Value Report (Wed 22 Mar 2023) - SDRY, BOOT, HSW, FEVR, JDG, MPAC, BMS, ANP, BIRD, TEG, PDG, BYIT, NAH
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 22nd Mar '23 · 63 comments · 9925 reads · 147 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham.  Pretty much a clean sweep today, with 13 companies covered. That leaves us clear to focus on some backlog items from earlier this week in tomorrow's report. Sorry…"
Small Cap Value Report (Tue 23 May 2023) - EMR, PMP, AVON, ETP, CLX, WJG
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 23rd May '23 · 65 comments · 9195 reads · 137 votes
"Good morning from Paul, and I'm joined by Roland today, to free up Graham for presentations at Mello Chiswick, which starts today. I'll be wandering over this afternoon, to catch up with everyone! Tod…"
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