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Displaying 50 of 8762 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
High yield stocks for investors looking for income options
Income Investing by Ben Hobson 29th Jan '19 · 23 comments · 10456 reads · 41 votes
"UK dividend payouts came within touching distance of £100 billion last year. At a time when many of us were trying to brave out the weak momentum that was pummelling prices across the board, payouts f…"
Hunting for Momentum? Here's where you'll find it...
LON:EVR by Jack Brumby 20th Mar '19 · 14 comments · 9219 reads · 41 votes
"Momentum is a powerful factor and there is a body of academic work out there that proves this across countries and time periods. One of these studies, “Analyst Forecasts and the Cross Section of Europ…"
Stocks scoring well against this financial health checklist
LON:CHRT by Ben Hobson 28th Aug '20 · 5 comments · 4867 reads · 44 votes
"At a time when the outlook for many firms is deeply uncertain, how can you know the difference between a business in decline and one that’s on a solid footing? For investors, the fact is that some ap…"
Week Ahead: German and US CPI | Greggs' ambitious expansion | easyJet ready to soar?
Stock Picks by Keelan Cooper 13th May · 8 comments · 2508 reads · 53 votes
"Good morning and welcome to the Week Ahead, your weekly destination for discussion and analysis of the largest stocks in the UK and overseas.The major macroeconomic news last week was that the UK's GD…"
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