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Displaying 50 of 8761 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Value Report (Tue 18 Jan 2022) - SDG, BOOT, ANX, GATC, BRCK, RFX, HOTC, BLTG
LON:BOOT by Paul Scott 18th Jan '22 · 44 comments · 10897 reads · 145 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here with Tuesday's SCVR. I mystery shopped TGI Fridays again last night, and will be interviewing Hostmore (LON:MORE) (I hold) management late this afternoon, which…"
Small Cap Value Report (Tue 16 Aug 2022) - TED, SPE, SMRT, HARL, TRB, TRMR, CGS
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 16th Aug '22 · 66 comments · 7903 reads · 145 votes
"Good morning! Paul & Graham are here with you today. Today's report is now finished. Agenda -  Paul's Section: Ted Baker (LON:TED) - an agreed cash takeover bid is announced at 110p, only an 18% p…"
Small Cap Value Report (Tue 30 August 2022) - DNL, REVB, JOUL, BMS, RQIH, UPR
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 30th Aug '22 · 40 comments · 7589 reads · 137 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham! Podcasts - good news, I've managed to publish my weekly summary podcasts on the main podcasting services now. Just search for "Paul Scott small caps" and it should…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 14 Oct 2022) - BKS, LGRS, REVB, WAND
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 13th Oct '22 · 105 comments · 8861 reads · 163 votes
"Today's report is now finished. Don't forget to check out tomorrow's podcast! Good morning from Paul! It's catch-up Friday today. For those of a nervous disposition, and reading this on Thursday, no y…"
Small Cap Value Report (Thu 20 Oct 2022) - LUCE, JUP, IGR, IPF, WINE, G4M
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 20th Oct '22 · 48 comments · 7793 reads · 126 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham! UPDATE at 12:17 - I'll take a quick look at £G4M  next, then we'll be finished by 13:00. Paul. Agenda -  Paul's Section: Luceco (LON:LUCE) - it's a profit warning,…"
Small Cap Value Report (Thu 29 June 2023) - SYS, Water Cos, DLAR, TBLD, TND, PPH, MOON
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 29th Jun '23 · 96 comments · 7599 reads · 163 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham!  Thank you to Roland for covering my 2 days off. I was meant to be going to Dubai for a week, but travel companions had to cancel at late notice, so I didn't go, w…"
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