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Displaying 50 of 8762 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Malcy's Oil Report - IGAS, BLVN, FOG
LON:IGAS by Malcolm Graham Wood 25th Nov '15 · 1 comment · 13908 read · 0 votes
"WTI $42.87 +$1.12, Brent $46.12 +$1.29, Diff $3.25 +17c, NG $2.20 -1cOil priceVolatility remains the watchword even before the events that I have been talking about although the jockeying for position…"
Matra Petroleum - could 13 be lucky for Matra?
LON:MTA^J17 by monkeynuts 23rd Oct '09 · 1 comment · 5059 read · 10 votes
"Some of the major oil companies have rather a jaundiced view of Russia. BP, in particular, has had endless troubles in the country. But one of AIM's oil minnows is doing rather well in Russia.   Ma…"
There's all still to play for at Tower Resources
LON:TRP by AnonymousUser3343 23rd Apr '10 · 1 comment · 7828 read · 5 votes
"Tower Resources (LON:TRP) , the AIM listed oil and gas exploration company with interests principally in Uganda and Namibia, is about to embark on a third exploration period within Block 5 of the Ugan…"
ACM Shipping: decent results and 'unexpected' diversification into dry cargo
LON:ACMG^J17 by investorschampion 25th Jun '10 · 0 comments · 1587 reads · 4 votes
"Acm Shipping Group Plc (LON:ACMG) , the leading international shipbroker, announced decent preliminary results for the year ended 31st March 2010 but for us there was news of somewhat unexpected div…"
Paul Crevello and the oil-rich possibilities for Bahamas Petroleum Company
LON:TLW by Ben Hobson 19th May '11 · 2 comments · 14943 reads · 14 votes
"Dr Paul Crevello is no stranger to the oil-rich potential of the waters surrounding the golden beaches of The Bahamas. Time spent studying the regional geology in his graduate days was the prelude to…"
Aminex Chairman Increases Holding to 5m Shares
LON:AEX by AnonymousUser3343 30th Jun '11 · 1 comment · 5384 read · 9 votes
"Aminex (LON:AEX) the oil and gas exploration, development and production company with a mix of oil and gas portfolio interests, mainly in the US, Egypt, North Korea and in Tanzania has announced this…"
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