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REG - Topps Tiles - Annual Financial Report <Origin Href="QuoteRef">TPT.L</Origin> - Part 3

- Part 3: For the preceding part double click  ID:nRSc3543Qb 

impaired receivables 
                       2016   2015   
                       £'000  £'000  
 Greater than 60 days  94     96     
 The allowance for doubtful debts was £33,000 by the end of the period (2015: £27,000).  Given the minimal receivable balance, the Directors believe that there is no further credit provision required in excess of the allowance for doubtful debts.  
The allowance for doubtful debts includes £20,000 relating to individually
impaired trade receivables (2015: £27,000) which are due from companies that
have been placed into liquidation. 
The Directors consider that the carrying amount of trade and other receivables
is approximately equal to their fair value. 
15         Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash held by the Group and short term bank
deposits (with associated right of set off) net of bank overdrafts, with an
original maturity of three months or less.  The carrying amount of these
assets approximates their fair value.  A breakdown of significant bank and
cash balances by currency is as follows: 
                                  2016    2015    
                                  £'000   £'000   
 Sterling                         8,738   16,519  
 US Dollar                        715     14      
 Euro                             775     31      
 Total cash and cash equivalents  10,228  16,564  
16         Other financial liabilities 
Trade and other payables 
                                      2016    2015    
                                      £'000   £'000   
 Amounts falling due within one year                  
 Trade payables                       16,598  15,505  
 Other payables                       3,740   4,940   
 Accruals and deferred income         12,770  13,542  
                                      33,108  33,987  
Trade payables and accruals principally comprise amounts outstanding for trade
purchases and on-going costs.  The average credit period taken for trade
purchases is 49 days (2015: 46 days). No interest is charged on these
The Directors consider that the carrying amount of trade payables at 1 October
2016 and 3 October 2015 approximates to their fair value on the basis of
discounted cash flow analysis. 
17         Bank loans 
                            2016    2015    
                            £'000   £'000   
 Bank loans (all sterling)  34,691  44,576  
The borrowings are repayable as follows: 
 On demand or within one year                  -       -       
 In the second year                            -       -       
 In the third to fifth year                    35,000  45,000  
                                               35,000  45,000  
 Less: total unamortised issue costs           (309)   (424)   
                                               34,691  44,576  
 Issue costs to be amortised within 12 months  116     116     
 Amount due for settlement after 12 months     34,807  44,692  
17         Bank loans (continued) 
The Directors consider that the carrying amount of the bank loan at 1 October
2016 and 3 October 2015 approximates to its fair value since the amounts
relate to floating rate debt. 
The average interest rates paid on the loan were as follows: 
        2016   2015  
        %      %     
 Loans  2.19%  2.36  
The Group borrowings are arranged at floating rates, thus exposing the Group
to cash flow interest rate risk. 
The Group is part way through a five year revolving credit facility of £50.0
million, expiring 31 May 2019. As at the financial period end £35.0 million of
this facility was drawn (2015: £45.0 million). The loan facility contains
financial covenants which are tested on a bi-annual basis. The Group did not
breach any covenants in the period. 
At 1 October 2016, the Group had available £15 million (2015: £5.0 million) of
undrawn committed banking facilities. 
18         Financial instruments 
Capital risk management 
The Group manages its capital to ensure that entities in the Group will be
able to continue as a going concern while maximising the return to
stakeholders through the optimisation of the debt and equity balance.  The
Group's overall strategy remains unchanged from 2015. The capital structure of
the Group consists of debt, which includes the borrowings disclosed in note
17, cash and cash equivalents disclosed in note 15 and equity attributable to
equity holders of the parent, comprising issued capital, reserves and retained
losses as disclosed in notes 20 to 26. 
The Group is not subject to any externally imposed capital requirements. 
Significant accounting policies 
Details of the significant accounting policies and methods adopted, including
the criteria for recognition, the basis of measurement and the basis on which
income and expenses are recognised, in respect of each class of financial
asset, financial liability and equity instrument are disclosed in note 2q to
the financial statements. 
Categories of financial instruments 
                                                              Carrying Value and Fair Value  
                                                              2016                           2015    
                                                              £'000                          £'000   
 Financial assets                                                                                    
 Loans and receivables (including cash and cash equivalents)  10,876                         17,249  
 Fair value through profit and loss                           342                            117     
 Financial liabilities                                                                               
 Amortised cost                                               51,404                         60,197  
The Group considers itself to be exposed to risks on financial instruments,
including market risk (including currency risk), credit risk, liquidity risk
and cash flow interest rate risk. 
The Group seeks to mitigate the effects of these risks by using derivative
financial instruments to hedge these risk exposures economically. The use of
financial derivatives is governed by the Group's policies approved by the
Board of Directors, which provide written principles on foreign exchange risk,
interest rate risk, credit risk, the use of financial derivatives and
non-derivative financial instruments, and the investment of excess liquidity.
The Group does not enter into or trade financial instruments, including
derivative financial instruments, for speculative purposes. 
18         Financial instruments (continued) 
Market risk 
The Group's activities expose it primarily to the financial risks of changes
in foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates. The Group enters into
forward foreign exchange contracts to hedge the exchange rate risk arising on
the import of goods. 
Foreign currency risk management 
The Group undertakes certain transactions denominated in foreign currencies.
Hence, exposures to exchange rate fluctuations arise. Exchange rate exposures
are managed within approved policy parameters utilising forward foreign
exchange contracts. 
The carrying amounts of the Group's foreign currency denominated monetary
assets and monetary liabilities at the reporting date are as follows: 
            Assets  Liabilities  
            2016    2015         2016   2015   
            £'000   £'000        £'000  £'000  
 Euro       781     31           3,032  2,201  
 US dollar  725     14           1,215  500    
Foreign currency sensitivity analysis 
The Group is mainly exposed to the currency of China and Brazil (US dollar
currency) and to various European countries (Euro) as a result of inventory
purchases. The following table details the Group's sensitivity to a 10%
increase and decrease in Sterling against the relevant foreign currencies. 10%
represents management's assessment of the reasonably possible change in
foreign exchange rates. The sensitivity analysis includes only outstanding
foreign currency denominated monetary items and adjusts their translation at
the period end for a 10% change in foreign currency rates. A positive number
below indicates an increase in profit and other equity where Sterling
strengthens 10% against the relevant currency. 
                                                                                   2016   2015   2014   
                                                                                   £000   £000   £000   
 Profit or Loss movement on a 10% strengthening in Sterling against the Euro       205    197    123    
 Profit or Loss movement on a 10% strengthening in Sterling against the US Dollar  45     44     69     
 Profit or Loss movement on a 10% weakening in Sterling against the Euro           (250)  (241)  (150)  
 Profit or Loss movement on a 10% weakening in Sterling against the US Dollar      (55)   (54)   (85)   
18         Financial instruments (continued) 
Currency derivatives 
The Group utilises currency derivatives to hedge significant future
transactions and cash flows.  The Group uses foreign currency forward
contracts in the management of its exchange rate exposures.  The contracts are
denominated in US dollars and Euros. 
At the balance sheet date, the total notional amounts of outstanding forward
foreign exchange contracts that the Group has committed to are as below: 
                                     2016    2015    
                                     £'000   £'000   
 Forward foreign exchange contracts  6,125   6,597   
These arrangements are designed to address significant exchange exposures for
the first half of 2016 and are renewed on a revolving basis as required. 
At 1 October 2016 the fair value of the Group's currency derivatives is a gain
of £341,917 within prepayments (note 14) (2015: £117,000). These amounts are
based on the market value of equivalent instruments at the balance sheet
Gains of £225,260 are included in cost of sales (2015: £135,000 gain included
in investment revenue) (note 7).. 
In the prior year, the directors included foreign exchange gains within
investment revenue. In the current year, the directors consider a more
appropriate classification to be within cost of sales given the gains relate
to the Group's inventory purchases. On the grounds of materiality, no changes
have been made to the comparative figures. 
Interest rate risk management 
The Group is exposed to interest rate risk as entities in the Group borrow
funds at floating interest rates. Due to the reduced level of floating rate
borrowings and the current low level of interest rates, management have not
deemed it necessary to implement measures that would mitigate this risk.  The
Group's exposures to interest rates on financial assets and financial
liabilities are detailed in the liquidity risk management section of this
Interest rate sensitivity analysis 
The sensitivity analysis below has been determined based on the exposure to
interest rates for both derivatives and non-derivative instruments at the
balance sheet date. For floating rate liabilities, the analysis is prepared
assuming the amount of liability outstanding at the balance sheet date was
outstanding for the whole year. A 50 basis points increase or decrease is used
when reporting interest rate risk internally to key management personnel and
represents management's assessment of the possible change in interest rates. 
If interest rates had been 50 basis points higher/lower and all other
variables were held constant, the Group's profit would be impacted as
                   50 basis points increase in interest rates  50 basis points decrease in interest rates  
                   2016                                        2015                                        2016   2015   
                   £'000                                       £'000                                       £'000  £'000  
 (Loss) or profit  (198)                                       (231)                                       198    231    
The Group's sensitivity to interest rates mainly relates to the revolving
credit facility. 
18         Financial instruments (continued) 
Credit risk management 
Credit risk refers to the risk that a counter party will default on its
contractual obligations resulting in financial loss to the Group. Management
has considered the counterparty risk associated with the cash and derivative
balances and do not consider there to be a material risk. The Group has a
policy of only dealing with creditworthy counterparties. The Group's exposure
to its counterparties is reviewed periodically. Trade receivables are minimal
consisting of a number of insurance companies and sundry trade accounts,
further information is provided in note 14. 
The carrying amount of financial assets recorded in the financial statements,
which is net of impairment losses, represents the Group's maximum exposure to
credit risk without taking account of the value of any collateral obtained. 
Liquidity risk management 
Ultimate responsibility for liquidity risk management rests with the Board of
Directors. The Group manages liquidity risk by maintaining adequate reserves,
banking facilities and borrowing facilities by continuously monitoring
forecast and actual cash flows and matching the maturity profiles of financial
assets and liabilities. 
Liquidity and interest risk tables 
The following tables detail the Group's remaining contractual maturity for its
non-derivative financial liabilities. The tables have been drawn up based on
the undiscounted cash flows (and on the assumption that the variable interest
rate remains constant at the latest fixing level of 1.77413% (2015: 2.28688%))
of financial liabilities based on the earliest date on which the Group can be
required to pay. The table includes both interest and principal cash flows. 
 2016                                Less than 1 month  1-3 months  3 months - 1 year  1-5 Years  Total   
                                     £'000              £'000       £'000              £'000      £'000   
 Non-interest bearing                20,337             -           -                  -          20,337  
 Variable interest rate instruments  59                 117         521                36,157     36,854  
 2015                                Less than 1 month  1-3 months  3 months - 1 year  1-5 Years  Total   
                                     £'000              £'000       £'000              £'000      £'000   
 Non-interest bearing                20,444             -           -                  -          20,444  
 Variable interest rate instruments  78                 186         792                47,823     48,879  
The Group is financed through a £50 million (2015 £50 million), revolving
credit facility of which £35 million (2015 £45 million) was utilised. At the
balance sheet date the total unused amount of financing facilities was £15
million (2015 £5 million). The Group expects to meet its other obligations
from operating cash flows and proceeds of maturing financial assets. 
18         Financial instruments (continued) 
The following table details the Group's liquidity analysis for its derivative
financial instruments. The table has been drawn up based on the undiscounted
net cash inflows/(outflows) on the derivative instruments that settle on a net
basis and the undiscounted gross inflows and (outflows) on those derivatives
that require gross settlement. When the amount payable or receivable is not
fixed, the amount disclosed has been determined by reference to the projected
interest and foreign currency rates as illustrated by the yield curves
existing at the reporting date. 
 2016                                         Less than 1 month  1-3 Months  3 months to 1 year  1-5 Years  5+ Years  Total    
                                              £'000              £'000       £'000               £'000      £'000     £'000    
 Foreign exchange forward contracts payments  (1,179)            (2,435)     (2,511)             -          -         (6,125)  
 Foreign exchange forward contracts receipts  1,305              2,611       2,567               -          -         6,483    
 2015                                         Less than 1 month  1-3 Months  3 months to 1 year  1-5 Years  5+ Years  Total    
                                              £'000              £'000       £'000               £'000      £'000     £'000    
 Foreign exchange forward contracts payments  -                  (3,331)     (3,267)             -          -         (6,598)  
 Foreign exchange forward contracts receipts  -                  3,358       3,362               -          -         6,720    
Fair value of financial instruments 
The fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities are determined
as follows: 
·    Foreign currency forward contracts are measured using quoted forward
exchange rates and yield curves derived from quoted interest rates matching
maturities of the contracts. 
·    The fair values are therefore categorised as Level 2 (2015: Level 2),
based on the degree to which the fair value is observable. Level 2 fair value
measurements are those derived from inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices
in active markets (level 1 categorisation) that are observable for the asset
or liability, either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived
from prices). 
19         Provisions 
                                           2016   2015       
                                           £'000  £'000      
 Onerous lease provision            1,309  1,368           
 Business simplification provision  1,181  2,208           
 Dilapidations provision            1,804  1,569           
                                           4,294  5,145      
 Current                                   1,448  1,736      
 Non-current                        2,846  3,409           
                                           4,294  5,145      
                                     Business Simplification provision  Onerous Lease provision  Dilapidations provision  Total    
                                     £'000                              £'000                    £,000                    £,000    
 At 3 October 2015                   2,208                              1,367                    1,570                    5,145    
 Created in the year                 -                                  1,284                    325                      1,609    
 Utilisation of provision            (1,027)                            (1,342)                  (91)                     (2,460)  
 Release of provision in the period                                     -                        -                        -        
 At 1 October 2016                   1,181                              1,309                    1,804                    4,294    
The onerous lease provision relates to estimated future unavoidable lease
costs in respect of closed, non-trading and loss making stores. The provision
is expected to be utilised over the following four financial periods. The
dilapidations provision represents management's best estimate of the Group's
liability under its property lease arrangements based on past experience and
is expected to be utilised over the following six financial periods. The
business simplification provision relates to the decision to exit the Topps
Clearance format and relocation of the finance function to Leicester,
resulting in redundancies and the subsequent closure of nine store locations
and one support office (see note 4). The remaining business simplification
provision is expected to be utilised over the next 12 months. 
The following are the deferred tax liabilities/(assets) recognised by the
Group and movements thereon during the current and prior reporting period. 
                                        Accelerated tax depreciation  Share-based payments  Exchange rate differences  Rent free  Total  
                                        £000                          £000                  £000                       £000       £000   
 As at 27 September 2014                1,458                         (663)                 (2)                        (532)      261    
 Charge to income                       2                             (205)                 24                         21         (158)  
 Charge in respect of previous periods  63                            -                     -                          -          63     
 Impact of rate change                  -                             -                     -                          -          -      
 Credit to equity                       -                             (485)                 -                          -          (485)  
 As at 3 October 2015                   1,523                         (1,353)               22                         (511)      (319)  
 Charge/ (credit) to income             138                           (166)                 (22)                       511        461    
 Charge in respect of previous periods  95                            -                     -                          -          95     
 Impact of rate change                  (263)                         105                   -                          -          (158)  
 Charge to equity                       -                             630                   -                          -          630    
 As at 1 October 2016                   1,493                         (784)                 -                          -          709    
19         Provisions (continued) 
A reduction in the UK corporation tax rate from 21% to 20% (effective from 1
April 2015) was substantively enacted on 2 July 2013. Further reductions to
19% (effective from 1 April 2017) and to 18% (effective 1 April 2020) were
substantively enacted on 26 October 2015, and an additional reduction to 17%
(effective 1 April 2020) was substantively enacted on 6 September 2016. This
will reduce the company's future current tax charge accordingly. The deferred
tax liability at 1 October 2016 has been calculated based on these rates. 
20         Called-up share capital 
                                                                                                      2016    2015    
                                                                                                      £'000   £'000   
 Issued and fully-paid 196,153,770* (2015: 193,700,459*) ordinary shares of 3.33p each (2014: 3.33p)  6,539   6,457   
 Total                                                                                                6,539   6,457   
During the period the Group issued 2,453,311 (2015: 64,219) ordinary shares
with a nominal value of £81,712 (2015: £2,141) under share option schemes for
an aggregate cash consideration of £612,500 (2015: £28,733). 
* During the period £4,415,000 (2015: £504,000) shares were purchased by Topps
Tiles Employee Benefit Trust on behalf of the Group. 
21         Share premium 
                                 2016    2015£'000  
 At start of period              1,906   1,879      
 Premium on issue of new shares  567     27         
 At end of period                2,473   1,906      
22         Own shares 
                                     2016     2015£'000  
 At start of period                  (630)    (656)      
 Acquired in the period              (4,415)  (504)      
 Disposed of on issue in the period  634      530        
 At end of period                    (4,411)  (630)      
A subsidiary of the Group holds 4,038,495 (2015: 799,000) shares with a
nominal value of £4,410,863 acquired for an average price of £1.09 per share
(2015: £27,000 acquired for an average price of £0.79 per share) and therefore
these have been classed as own shares. 
23         Merger reserve 
                             2016    2015£'000  
 At start and end of period  (399)   (399)      
The merger reserve arose on pre 2006 acquisitions, the Directors do not
consider this to be distributable as at 1 October 2016 (2015: same). 
24         Share-based payment reserve 
                                                           2016    2015    
                                                           £'000   £'000   
 At start of period                                        2,820   1,941   
 Credit to equity for equity-settled share based payments  1,460   879     
 At end of period                                          4,280   2,820   
The share-based payment reserve has arisen on the fair valuation of save as
you earn schemes and Long-term incentive plans. The Directors consider this to
be distributable as at 1 October 2016 (2015: same). 
25         Capital redemption reserve 
                             2016    2015    
                             £'000   £'000   
 At start and end of period  20,359  20,359  
The capital redemption reserve arose on the cancellation of treasury shares
and as a result of a share reorganisation in 2006. The Directors do not
consider this to be distributable as at 1 October 2016 (2015: same). 
26         Retained losses 
 At 27 September 2014                                                   (28,736)  
 Dividends (note 9)                                                     (4,534)   
 Deferred tax on sharesave scheme taken directly to equity              490       
 Net profit for the period                                              13,065    
 At 3 October 2015                                                      (19,715)  
 Dividends (note 9)                                                     (6,296)   
 Deferred and current tax on sharesave scheme taken directly to equity  (182)     
 Own shares issued in the period                                        (634)     
 Net profit for the period                                              15,531    
 At 1 October 2016                                                      (11,296)  
27         Financial commitments 
a)         Capital commitments 
At the end of the period there were capital commitments contracted of £45,000
(2015: £114,000). 
b)         Pension arrangements 
The Group operates a defined contribution pension scheme for employees.  The
assets of the schemes are held separately from those of the Group in
independently administered funds.  The pension cost charge represents
contributions payable by the Group to the funds and amounted to £863,000
(2015: £848,000). At the period end, the Group holds outstanding contributions
of £136,619 (2015: £152,414). 
c)         Lease commitments 
Minimum future sublease payments expected to be received under non-cancellable
subleases amount to £3,715,000 (2015: £3,093,000). 
The Group has entered into non-cancellable operating leases in respect of
motor vehicles, equipment and land and buildings. 
Minimum lease payments under operating leases recognised as an expense for the
period were £23,830,000 (2015: £23,388,000) which includes property service
charges of £732,000 (2015: £783,000). 
At the balance sheet date, the Group had outstanding commitments for future
minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases which fall due
as follows: 
                       2016       2015   
                       Land and          Land and          
                       buildings  Other  buildings  Other  
                       £'000      £'000  £'000      £'000  
 - within 1 year       22,601     1,037  21,868     847    
 - within 2 - 5 years  71,957     1,363  69,785     797    
 - after 5 years       51,083     168    54,619     -      
                       145,641    2,568  146,272    1,644  
Operating lease payments primarily represent rentals payable by the Group for
certain of its office and store properties. Leases are negotiated for an
average term of 10 years and rentals are fixed for an average of 5 years
(2015: 5). 
28         Share-based payments 
The Group operates seven share option schemes in relation to Group employees. 
Employee Share Purchase Plans 
Employee share purchase plans are open to almost all employees and provide for
a purchase price equal to the average market price over the three days prior
to the date of grant, less 20%. The shares can be purchased during a two-week
period each financial period. The shares so purchased are generally placed in
the employee share savings plan for a 3 or 5 year period. 
Movements in share based payment plan options are summarised as follows: 
                                     2016Number of share options  2016Weighted average exercise price  2015 Number of share options  2015 Weighted average exercise price  
                                                                  £                                                                  £                                     
 Outstanding at beginning of period  2,969,105                    0.63                                 2,485,176                     0.37                                  
 Issued during the period            2,098,318                    1.27                                 887,775                       0.98                                  
 Expired during the period           (617,982)                    1.05                                 (339,627)                     0.31                                  
 Exercised during the period         (1,368,826)                  0.45                                 (64,219)                      0.29                                  
 Outstanding at end of period        3,080,615                    1.14                                 2,969,105                     0.63                                  
 Exercisable at end of period        8,372                        0.43                                 -                             -                                     
The inputs to the Black-Scholes Model for the employee 3 and 5 year Employee
Share Purchase Plans issued in the year are as follows: 
 3 year plan                                       
 Weighted average share price     - pence  134.00  
 Weighted average exercise price  - pence  127.00  
 Expected volatility      - %              29.01   
 Expected life                    - years  3.00    
 Risk - free rate of interest     - %      0.71    
 Dividend yield                   - %      2.24    
 5 year plan                                       
 Weighted average share price     - pence  134.00  
 Weighted average exercise price  - pence  127.00  
 Expected volatility      - %              43.29   
 Expected life                    - years  5.00    
 Risk - free rate of interest     - %      1.10    
 Dividend yield                   - %      2.24    
Expected volatility was determined by calculating the historical volatility of
the Group's share price over the previous 3 and 5 years (2015: 3 years). The
expected risk used in the model has been adjusted, based on management's best
estimate, for the effects of non-transferability, exercise restrictions and
behavioural forces. 
28         Share-based payments (continued) 
Long Term Incentive Plan 
Long Term Incentive Plans have been granted to senior management and have a
vesting period of three years. Vesting is subject to achievement of certain
performance conditions. 
Movements in Long Term Incentive Plan options are summarised as follows: 
                                     2016Number of share options  2016Weighted average exercise price  2015 Number of share options  2015 Weighted average exercise price  
                                                                  £                                                                  £                                     
 Outstanding at beginning of period  5,032,515                    -                                    3,606,203                     -                                     
 Issued during the period            1,229,100                    -                                    1,446,312                     -                                     
 Expired during the period           (113,041)                    -                                    (20,000)                      -                                     
 Exercised during the period         (1,084,485)                  -                                    -                             -                                     
 Outstanding at end of period        5,064,089                    -                                    5,032,515                     -                                     
 Exercisable at end of period        988,989                      -                                    -                             -                                     
Under the plan a number of share options were granted to senior management. 
These options will vest in December 2018 subject to the achievement of certain
performance criteria. 
The total number of share options granted was 1,138,647 (2015: 1,422,348) and
the fair value of these options was £1,674,835 (2015: £1,439,000). 
The inputs to the Black-Scholes Model are as follows: 
 Weighted average share price     - pence  154.00  
 Weighted average exercise price  - pence  nil     
 Expected volatility      - %              35.48   
 Expected life                    - years  3.00    
 Risk - free rate of interest     - %      0.89    
 Dividend yield                   - %      1.53    
Expected volatility was determined by calculating the historical volatility of
the Group's share price over the previous 3 years. The expected risk used in
the model has been adjusted, based on management's best estimate, for the
effects of non-transferability, exercise restrictions and behavioural forces. 
During the financial period, the Group granted 36,665 share options under the
existing share option scheme due to vest in December 2016. The fair value of
these options was £55,606. 
The inputs to the Black-Scholes Model are as follows: 
 Weighted average share price     - pence  154.00  
 Weighted average exercise price  - pence  nil     
 Expected volatility      - %              25.60   
 Expected life                    - years  1.00    
 Risk - free rate of interest     - %      0.40    
 Dividend yield                   - %      1.53    
During the financial period, the Group granted 53,788 share options under the
existing share option scheme due to vest in November 2017. The fair value of
these options was £80,461. 
28         Share-based payments (continued) 
The inputs to the Black-Scholes Model are as follows: 
 Weighted average share price     - pence  154.00  
 Weighted average exercise price  - pence  nil     
 Expected volatility      - %              29.16   
 Expected life                    - years  2.00    
 Risk - free rate of interest     - %      0.65    
 Dividend yield                   - %      1.53    
2020 Long Term Incentive Plan 
During the financial period, a new five year Long Term Incentive plan was
introduced.  Under this plan a number of share options were granted to
management level employees across the Group.  These options will vest in
December 2020 subject to the achievement of certain performance criteria. 
Movements in 2020 Long Term Incentive Plan options are summarised as follows: 
                                     2016Number of share options  2016Weighted average exercise price  2015 Number of share options  2015 Weighted average exercise price  
                                                                  £                                                                  £                                     
 Outstanding at beginning of period  -                            -                                    -                             -                                     
 Issued during the period            2,698,244                    -                                    -                             -                                     
 Expired during the period           (94,497)                     -                                    -                             -                                     
 Exercised during the period         -                            -                                    -                             -                                     
 Outstanding at end of period        2,603,747                    -                                    -                             -                                     
 Exercisable at end of period        -                            -                                    -                             -                                     
The total number of share options initially granted was 2,596,994 and the fair
value of these options was £3,704,871. 
The inputs to the Black-Scholes Model are as follows: 
 Weighted average share price     - pence  154.00  
 Weighted average exercise price  - pence  nil     
 Expected volatility      - %              43.48   
 Expected life                    - years  5.00    
 Risk - free rate of interest     - %      1.32    
 Dividend yield                   - %      1.53    
Expected volatility was determined by calculating the historical volatility of
the Group's share price over the previous 5 years. The expected risk used in
the model has been adjusted, based on management's best estimate, for the
effects of non-transferability, exercise restrictions and behavioural forces. 
During the financial period, the Group granted an additional 101,250 share
options under the 2020 Long Term Incentive Plan share option scheme due to
vest in December 2020. The fair value of these options was £136,826. 
28         Share-based payments (continued) 
The inputs to the Black-Scholes Model are as follows: 
 Weighted average share price     - pence  149.00  
 Weighted average exercise price  - pence  nil     
 Expected volatility      - %              35.18   
 Expected life                    - years  4.5     
 Risk - free rate of interest     - %      0.79    
 Dividend yield                   - %      2.18    
In total, the Group recognised a total expense of £1,827,021 (2015:
£1,409,000) relating to share based payments. 
29         Related party transactions 
S.K.M. Williams is a related party by virtue of his 10.6% shareholding
(20,593,950 ordinary shares) in the Group's issued share capital (2015: 10.6%
shareholding of 20,593,952 ordinary shares). 
At 1 October 2016 S.K.M. Williams was the landlord of 3 properties leased to
Multi Tile Limited, a trading subsidiary of Topps Tiles Plc, for £187,000
(2015: Four properties for £240,000) per annum. 
No amounts were outstanding with S.K.M. Williams at 1 October 2016 (2015:
£nil).The lease agreements on all properties are operated on commercial arm's
length terms. 
Transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries, which are related
parties, have been eliminated on consolidation and are not disclosed in this
note. In accordance with the exemption available under IAS24. 
The remuneration of the Board of Directors, who are considered key management
personnel of the Group was £2.2 million (2015: £3.6 million restated figure)
including share based payments of £0.7 million (2015: £2.0 million restated
figure).  Further information about the remuneration of the individual
Directors is provided in the Remuneration Report within the Annual Report. 
The Group's defined contribution pension scheme is administered by Legal and
General. During the year the Group made contributions of £863,000 (2015:
£848.000) and at year end the Group has outstanding contributions of £136,619
(2015: £152,414). 
Company balance sheet as at 1 October 2016 
                                                          52 weeks   ended 1 October2016  53 weeksended 3 October 2015  
                                                 Notes    £'000                           £'000                         
 Fixed assets                                                                                                           
 Investments                                     3        2,320                           493                           
                                                          __________                      __________                    
 Current assets                                                                                                         
 Debtors due within one year                     4        47,615                          31,394                        
 Cash at bank and in hand                                 -                               15,179                        
                                                          __________                      __________                    
 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year  5        (3,805)                         (3,415)                       
                                                          __________                      __________                    
 Net current assets                                       43,810                          43,158                        
                                                          __________                      __________                    
 Net assets                                               46,130                          43,651                        
                                                          __________                      __________                    
 Capital and reserves                                                                                                   
 Called-up share capital                         6,7      6,539                           6,457                         
 Share premium                                   7        2,473                           1,906                         
 Share based payment reserve                     7        4,814                           3,354                         
 Capital redemption reserve                      7        20,359                          20,359                        
 Other reserve                                   7        6,200                           6,200                         
 Profit and loss account                         7        5,745                           5,375                         
                                                          __________                      __________                    
 Equity shareholders' funds                               46,130                          43,651                        
                                                          __________                      __________                    
The financial statements of Topps Tiles Plc, Companies House number 3213782,
were approved by the board of directors on 29 November 2016 and signed on its
behalf by: 
 M T M Williams  R Parker  
 Director        Director  
Notes to the Company Financial Statements 
For the 52 weeks ended 1 October 2016 
1          Basis of accounting 
The Company meets the definition of a qualifying entity under FRS 100
'Application of Financial Reporting Requirements' issued by the FRC.
Accordingly, in the period ended 3 October 2015, the Company has changed its
accounting framework from the previous UK GAAP to Financial Reporting Standard
101 'Reduced Disclosure Framework' (FRS101) issued by the Financial Reporting
Council (FRC) and has, in doing so, applied the requirements of IFRS 1.6-33
and related appendices. These financial statements have therefore been
prepared in accordance with FRS 101. 
The prior year financial statements have been restated for material
adjustments on adoption of FRS 101 in the current year. For more information,
see Note 23 (Transition to FRS 101). 
As permitted by FRS 101, the Company has taken advantage of the following
disclosure exemptions available under that standard: 
i) The requirements of IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures 
ii) The requirement in paragraph 38 of IAS 1 'Presentation of Financial
Statements' to present comparative information in respect of: 
a)     Paragraph 79(a)(iv) of IAS 1 
b)     Paragraph 73(e) of IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment 
c)     Paragraph 118(e) of IAS 38 Intangible Assets 
iii) The requirements of IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows 
iv) The requirements of IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures to disclose related
party transactions entered into between two or more members of a group,
provided that any subsidiary which is a party to the transaction is wholly
owned by such a member 
v) The requirements of paragraphs 10(d), 10(f), and 134 to 136 of IAS 1
Presentation of Financial Statements. 
vi) The requirements of paragraphs 30 and 31 of IAS 8 Accounting Policies,
Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors. 
Where relevant, equivalent disclosures have been given in the group accounts
of which the Company's results are included. 
Reconciliations to the balance sheet from this transition to FRS 101 are
provided in Note 8. 
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost
convention. Comparative data is for the period ended 3 October 2015. 
2          Profit for the period 
As permitted by section 408 of the Companies Act 2006 the Company has elected
not to present its own profit and loss account for the period.  Topps Tiles
Plc reported a profit for the financial period ended 1 October 2016 of
£6,666,000 (2015: £98,309,000 Loss). 
The auditor's remuneration for services to the company was £41,000 for audit
related work (2015: £30,000 for audit related work).  Fees relating to
non-audit work totalled £nil (2015: £nil), see note 5 to the Group financial
statements for further details. 
The Company had no employees other than the Directors (2014: same), whose
remuneration is detailed on in the Annual Report. 
3          Fixed asset investments 
 At 3 October 2015                                       493     
 Movement in share options granted to employees          1,827   
 At 1 October 2016                                       2,320   
The Company has investments in the following subsidiaries which affected the
profits or net assets of the Group. 
 Subsidiary undertaking               % of issued shares held  Principal activity                                                                
 Topalpha Limited*                    100%                     Property management and investment                                                
 Topalpha (Orpington) Limited         100%                     Dormant                                                                           
 Topalpha (Warehouse) Limited         100%                     Property management and investment and provision of warehousing services          
 Topalpha (Stoke) Limited             100%                     Property management and investment.                                               
 Tiles4Less Limited*                  100%                     Intermediate holding company                                                      
 Topps Tiles (UK) Limited             100%                     Retail and wholesale of ceramic tiles, wood flooring and related products         
 Topps Tiles Holdings Limited*        100%                     Intermediate holding company                                                      
 Topps Tile Kingdom Limited           100%                     Intermediate holding company                                                      
 Multi Tile Limited                   100%                     Retail and wholesale of ceramic tiles, wood flooring and related products         
 Topps Tiles Distribution Ltd         100%                     Wholesale and distribution of ceramic tiles, wood flooring and related products.  
 Multi-Tile Distribution Limited      100%                     Intermediate holding company.                                                     
 Topps Tiles I.P Company Limited      100%                     Ownership and management of Group intellectual property.                          
 Topps Tiles Employee Benefit Trust*  100%                     Employee benefit trust                                                            
*held directly by Topps Tiles Plc 
During the period the Group completed the strike off of six previously dormant
The investments are represented by ordinary shares. 
All undertakings are incorporated in Great Britain and are registered and
operate in England and Wales. 
4          Debtors 
                                              2016    2015    
                                              £'000   £'000   
 Amounts falling due within one year:                         
 Amounts owed by subsidiary undertakings      47,598  30,875  
 Other debtors                                3       3       
 Prepayments and accrued income               14      516     
                                              47,615  31,394  
5          Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year 
                                              2016   2015   
                                              £'000  £'000  
 Bank loans and overdrafts                    857    -      
 Trade and other creditors                    12     560    
 Amounts owed to subsidiary undertakings      72     222    
 Accruals and deferred income                 2,864  2,633  
                                              3,805  3,415  
6          Called-up share capital 
                                                                                                    2016    2015    
                                                                                                    £'000   £'000   
 Issued and fully-paid 196,153,770 (2015: 193,700,459) ordinary shares of 3.33p each (2015: 3.33p)  6,539   6,457   
During the period 4,139,000 shares were purchased by Topps Tiles Employee
Benefit Trust for £4,415,000 on behalf of the Group (2015: 431,108 shares -
During the period the Group issued and allotted 2,453,311 (2015: 64,219)
ordinary shares with a nominal value of £81,712 (2015: £2,141) under share
option schemes for an aggregate cash consideration of £612,500 (2015:
7          Reconciliation of reserves 
 Company                                                                     Share based  Capital               Profit             
                                                           Share    Share    payment      redemption  Other     and loss           
                                                           capital  premium  reserve      reserve     reserves  account   Total    
                                                           £'000    £'000    £'000        £'000       £'000     £'000     £'000    
 At 3 October 2015                                         6,457    1,906    3,354        20,359      6,200     5,375     43,651   
 Profit for the period                                     -        -        -            -           -         6,666     6,666    
 Dividend paid to equity shareholders                      -        -        -            -           -         (6,296)   (6,296)  
 Issue of new shares                                       82       567      (7)          -           -         -         642      
 Credit to equity for equity-settled share based payments  -        -        1,467        -           -         -         1,467    
 At 1 October 2016                                         6,539    2,473    4,814        20,359      6,200     5,745     46,130   
At 1 October 2016, the Directors consider the other reserve of £6,200,000 to
remain non-distributable. 
The Directors consider £nil (2015: £nil) of profit and loss account reserves
not to be distributable at 1 October 2016. 
8          Explanation of transition to FRS 101 
This is the first year that the Company has presented its financial statements
under Financial Reporting Standard 101 (FRS 101) issued by the Financial
Reporting Council. The following disclosures are required in the year of
transition. The last financial statements under previous UK GAAP were for the
year ended 3 October 2015 and the date of transition to FRS 101 

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