Photo of Monty9
Photo of Monty9


Private Investor, Other

  • Joined 27 Oct 2008
  • 9 posts


CFO in a City trading and fund management company.  Previously partner in a small financial software house.  Involved in its trade sale and similar companies, an AIM IPO, a placing and 2 takeovers. Country manager for early 1990's derivatives system business in Japan and Hong Kong.

Investment strategy

Private investor.  Conservative investment in relatively high risk instruments with high upside.  Prepared to take a number of heavy losses to hold the occasional star.  Ideal holding period is until probate but normally between 2 weeks and 3 years.

Enjoy the freedom of being able to deal on a whim but have generally done better doing some some analysis and basic research, focussed on reading published accounts, and trying to understand the fundamental proposition of the business.

Typically overweight in technology stocks, prefer if cash positive.

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