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REG - Official List - Official List Notice

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RNS Number : 3950E  Official List  28 October 2022

 28/10/2022 08:00
 The Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA") hereby admits the following securities
 to the Official List with effect from the time and date of this notice:-
 Amount                  Security Description                                                             Listing Category                              ISIN
 15000000                5.05% Callable Notes due 28/10/2032; fully paid; (Represented by notes to        Standard Debt                                 XS2550468610 ●
             bearer of USD200,000 each)

 Issuer Name: Invesco Physical Markets PLC
 23000                   Secured Gold-Linked Certificates due 2100; fully paid                            Standard Debt                                 IE00B579F325 ●

 Issuer Name: iShares Physical Metals plc
 30000                   Physical Silver ETC; fully paid                                                  Standard Debt                                 IE00B4NCWG09 ●

 Issuer Name: Unite Group Plc
 100447                  Ordinary Shares of 25p each; fully paid                                          Premium Equity Commercial Companies           GB0006928617 ●

 Issuer Name: SG ISSUER
 500000                  Notes due 22/10/2029; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of GBP1 each)     Standard Debt                                 GB00BN08X162 ●
 500000                  Notes due 21/10/2032; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of GBP1 each)     Standard Debt                                 GB00BN08X618 ●
 500000                  Notes due 22/10/2029; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of GBP1 each)     Standard Debt                                 GB00BN08X055 ●
 1000000                 Notes due 21/10/2032; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of GBP1 each)     Standard Debt                                 GB00BN08X493 ●
 500000                  Notes due 21/10/2032; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of GBP1 each)     Standard Debt                                 GB00BN08X501 ●
 500000                  Notes due 21/10/2032; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of GBP1 each)     Standard Debt                                 GB00BN08X725 ●
 1000000                 Notes due 21/10/2032; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of GBP1 each)     Standard Debt                                 GB00BN08X386 ●
 1000000                 Notes due 21/10/2032; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of GBP1 each)     Standard Debt                                 GB00BN08X279 ●

 Issuer Name: International Finance Corporation
 500000000               0.500% Notes due 08/10/2025; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of         Standard Debt                                 XS2242302573 ●
             NOK10,000 each and integral multiples thereof)

 Issuer Name: Glenveagh Properties PLC
 485020 (Block Listing)  Ordinary Shares of EUR0.001 each; fully paid                                     Standard Shares                               IE00BD6JX574 ●

 Issuer Name: Xtrackers ETC plc
 40000                   Xtrackers IE Physical Silver ETC Securities due 30/04/2080; fully paid           Standard Debt                                 DE000A2T0VS9 ●
 39000                   Xtrackers IE Physical Gold ETC Securities due 23/04/2080; fully paid             Standard Debt                                 DE000A2T0VU5 ●

 Issuer Name: Cloudbreak Discovery Plc
 18500000                Ordinary Shares of GBP0.001; fully paid                                          Standard Shares                               GB00B44LQR57 ●

 Issuer Name: Triple Point Energy Transition Plc
 100014079               Ordinary Shares of GBP0.01 each: fully paid                                      Premium Equity Closed Ended Investment Funds  GB00BMCBZL07 ●

 Issuer Name: MDGH GMTN (RSC) LTD
 1000000000              5.500% Notes due 28/04/2033; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of         Standard Debt                                 XS2546781985 ●
             USD200,000 each plus integral multiples of USD1,000 in excess thereof)
             (Regulation S)
             5.500% Notes due 28/04/2033; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of         Standard Debt                                 US55285GAB05 ●
             USD200,000 each plus integral multiples of USD1,000 in excess thereof) (Rule

 Issuer Name: HSBC Bank PLC
 1262736                 Notes linked to UKSED3P Investments Limited Preference Shares Series 2220 due    Standard Debt                                 GB00BQ181M34 ●
             28/10/2027; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of GBP1 each)
 1773924                 Notes linked to UKSED3P Investments Limited Preference Shares Series 2217 due    Standard Debt                                 GB00BQ181J05 ●
             28/10/2027; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of GBP1 each)
 2162389                 Notes linked to UKSED3P Investments Limited Preference Shares Series 2218 due    Standard Debt                                 GB00BQ181K10 ●
             28/10/2027; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of GBP1 each)
 1535892                 Notes linked to UKSED3P Investments Limited Preference Shares Series 2219 due    Standard Debt                                 GB00BQ181L27 ●
             28/10/2027; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of GBP1 each)

 Issuer Name: GRIT Investment Trust plc
 2100000                 Ordinary Shares of 2.5p each; fully paid                                         Premium Equity Closed Ended Investment Funds  GB00BL594W83 ●

 Issuer Name: WisdomTree Commodity Securities Limited
 64000                   WisdomTree Soybean Oil; fully paid                                               Standard Debt                                 GB00B15KY435 ●
 89900                   WisdomTree Silver; fully paid                                                    Standard Debt                                 GB00B15KY328 ●
 59948000                WisdomTree Natural Gas; fully paid                                               Standard Debt                                 GB00B15KY104 ●
 186000                  WisdomTree WTI Crude Oil; fully paid                                             Standard Debt                                 GB00B15KXV33 ●
 37000                   WisdomTree Grains; fully paid                                                    Standard Debt                                 GB00B15KYL00 ●
 14000                   WisdomTree Gold; fully paid                                                      Standard Debt                                 GB00B15KXX56 ●
 145900                  WisdomTree Copper; fully paid                                                    Standard Debt                                 GB00B15KXQ89 ●
 90500                   WisdomTree Cocoa; fully paid                                                     Standard Debt                                 JE00B2QXZK10 ●
 358300                  WisdomTree Aluminium; fully paid                                                 Standard Debt                                 GB00B15KXN58 ●
 20300                   WisdomTree Wheat 3x Daily Leveraged; fully paid                                  Standard Debt                                 JE00BYQY8102 ●
 262000                  WisdomTree Agriculture; fully paid                                               Standard Debt                                 GB00B15KYH63 ●
 5100                    WisdomTree Brent Crude Oil 2x Daily Leveraged; fully paid                        Standard Debt                                 JE00BDD9QD91 ●
 15800                   WisdomTree Wheat 2x Daily Leveraged; fully paid                                  Standard Debt                                 JE00BDD9QC84 ●
 58000                   WisdomTree Natural Gas 2x Daily Leveraged; fully paid                            Standard Debt                                 JE00BDD9Q956 ●
 184900                  WisdomTree Coffee 3x Daily Leveraged; fully paid                                 Standard Debt                                 JE00BYQY3Z98 ●
 10000                   WisdomTree Brent Crude Oil 1x Daily Short; fully paid                            Standard Debt                                 JE00B78DPL57 ●
 40000                   WisdomTree Gold 1x Daily Short; fully paid                                       Standard Debt                                 JE00B24DKC09 ●
 5000                    WisdomTree Gold 2x Daily Leveraged; fully paid                                   Standard Debt                                 JE00B2NFTL95 ●
 40000                   WisdomTree Cocoa 2x Daily Leveraged; fully paid                                  Standard Debt                                 JE00B2NFV803 ●
 120100                  WisdomTree WTI Crude Oil 1x Daily Short; fully paid                              Standard Debt                                 JE00B24DK975 ●
 10000                   WisdomTree Copper 1x Daily Short; fully paid                                     Standard Debt                                 JE00B24DK645 ●
 40000                   WisdomTree Platinum 2x Daily Leveraged; fully paid                               Standard Debt                                 JE00B2NFV134 ●
 90000                   WisdomTree Coffee 2x Daily Leveraged; fully paid                                 Standard Debt                                 JE00B2NFTD12 ●

 Issuer Name: WisdomTree Foreign Exchange Limited
 2000                    WisdomTree Long EUR Short USD; fully paid                                        Standard Debt                                 JE00B68GS416 ●
 1000                    WisdomTree Short EUR Long USD 3x Daily; fully paid                               Standard Debt                                 JE00B3N9C970 ●
 90000                   WisdomTree Short USD Long GBP 5x Daily; fully paid                               Standard Debt                                 JE00BMM1XZ05 ●
 1000                    WisdomTree Short GBP Long USD 3x Daily; fully paid                               Standard Debt                                 JE00B3XJ8K03 ●
 1900                    WisdomTree Long USD Short GBP; fully paid                                        Standard Debt                                 JE00B3WPFZ34 ●
 2000                    WisdomTree Long JPY Short USD; fully paid                                        Standard Debt                                 JE00B68GSP26 ●

 Issuer Name: Leverage Shares Public Limited Company
 7170760                 Leverage Shares 3x Alibaba ETP Securities; fully paid                            Standard Debt                                 XS2337090851 ●
 13969046                Leverage Shares 3x Long NIO ETP Securities; fully paid                           Standard Debt                                 XS2399365472 ●
 1841                    Leverage Shares 3x Apple ETP Securities due 04/06/2070; fully paid               Standard Debt                                 IE00BK5BZS07 ●
 57802                   Leverage Shares 3x Long Gold Miners ETP Securities; fully paid                   Standard Debt                                 XS2399369896 ●
 492299                  Leverage Shares 3x Long Moderna (MRNA) ETP Securities; fully paid                Standard Debt                                 XS2399365639 ●
 797737                  Leverage Shares 3x Long Xpeng ETP Securities; fully paid                         Standard Debt                                 XS2472332704 ●
 18569                   Leverage Shares -3x Short ARKK Innovation ETP Securities; fully paid             Standard Debt                                 XS2399368906 ●
 13593                   Leverage Shares -3x Short US Tech 100 ETP Securities; fully paid                 Standard Debt                                 XS2399364319 ●
 538481                  Leverage Shares -3x Short Tesla ETP Securities; fully paid                       Standard Debt                                 XS2337090265 ●
 384423                  Leverage Shares 3x Tesla ETP Securities; fully paid                              Standard Debt                                 XS2297549128 ●
 472                     Leverage Shares 2x Tesla ETP Securities due 07/04/2070; fully paid               Standard Debt                                 IE00BK5BZY66 ●

 Issuer Name: WisdomTree Metal Securities Limited
 25000                   WisdomTree Physical Silver; fully paid                                           Standard Debt                                 JE00B1VS3333 ●
 1000                    WisdomTree Physical Palladium; fully paid                                        Standard Debt                                 JE00B1VS3002 ●

 Issuer Name: WisdomTree Multi Asset Issuer Public Limited Company
 571900                  WisdomTree Brent Crude Oil 3x Daily Short; fully paid                            Standard Debt                                 IE00BLRPRK35 ●
 288700                  WisdomTree WTI Crude Oil 3x Daily Short; fully paid                              Standard Debt                                 IE00BMTM6C49 ●
 4700                    WisdomTree Natural Gas 3x Daily Leveraged; fully paid                            Standard Debt                                 IE00BLRPRG98 ●
 1661300                 WisdomTree WTI Crude Oil 3x Daily Short; fully paid                              Standard Debt                                 IE00BMTM6C49 ●
 3600                    WisdomTree Natural Gas 3x Daily Leveraged; fully paid                            Standard Debt                                 IE00BLRPRG98 ●
 1360000                 WisdomTree WTI Crude Oil 3x Daily Short; fully paid                              Standard Debt                                 IE00BMTM6C49 ●
 15600                   WisdomTree NASDAQ 100 3x Daily Short; fully paid                                 Standard Debt                                 IE00BLRPRJ20 ●
 900                     WisdomTree WTI Crude Oil 3x Daily Leveraged; fully paid                          Standard Debt                                 IE00BMTM6B32 ●
 60000                   WisdomTree Industrial Metals Enhanced; fully paid                                Standard Debt                                 IE00BF4TWC33 ●
 18200                   WisdomTree NASDAQ 100 3x Daily Leveraged; fully paid                             Standard Debt                                 IE00BLRPRL42 ●

 Issuer Name: Northumbrian Water Finance Plc
 400000000               6.375% Guaranteed Notes due 28/10/2034; fully paid; (Represented by notes to     Standard Debt                                 XS2550206333 ●
             bearer of GBP100,000 each and integral multiples of GBP1,000 in excess thereof
             up to and including GBP199,000)


If you have any queries relating to the above, please contact Issuer
 Management at the FCA on 020 7066 8352.


If you have any queries relating to the above, please contact Issuer
Management at the FCA on 020 7066 8352.

 SEDOL numbers which are allocated by the London Stock Exchange as a Stock
 Exchange identifier may be found on their dealing notice.

●Denotes the security is being admitted to trading on the London Stock
 Exchange, a Recognised Investment Exchange.

†Denotes the security is also being admitted to trading on Aquis Stock
 Exchange, a Recognised Investment Exchange.

#Denotes the security is also being admitted to trading on Euronext, a
 Recognised Investment Exchange.

 ∼Denotes the security is also being admitted to trading on Cboe Europe, a
 Recognised Investment Exchange.

^Denotes the security is also being admitted to trading on Shanghai-London
 Stock Connect, a Recognised Investment Exchange.

*Denotes the security is also being admitted to trading on IPSX Prime, a
 Recognised Investment Exchange.

Notices issued by the FCA in respect of admission of securities to the
 Official List must be read in conjunction with notices issued by the relevant
 Recognised Investment Exchange in respect of admission of securities to
 trading on its markets.


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rns@lseg.com (mailto:rns@lseg.com)
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