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BOTB Best Of The Best News Story

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REG - Best of the Best PLC - Half-year Report

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RNS Number : 8961N  Best of the Best PLC  26 January 2023


Best of the Best plc

("Best of the Best", "BOTB", "the Company" or "the Group")


Interim results for the six months ended 31 October 2022




Best of the Best plc (LSE: BOTB), the provider of online competitions to win
cars and other prizes, is pleased to report its interim results for the half
year ended 31 October 2022 (the "Period").



Financial highlights:

·      Revenue of £13.65 million (H1 2021 £19.12m), significantly
greater than the £7.60 million delivered pre-pandemic in H1 2020, the most
appropriate comparative period

·      Profit before tax of £2.71 million (H1 2021: £3.04 million),
again greater than the £1.38 million generated in H1 2020

·      Earnings per share 27.95p (H1 2021: 27.26p)

·      Following the normal attrition profile of the very large cohort
of customers acquired during the pandemic, player numbers have now stabilised
and the business is well placed for a return to steady growth

·      Strong financial position with cash balances of £5.26 million as
at 31 October 2022 (H1 2021: £8.34million), following the return of £6.75
million to shareholders via a tender offer and dividend in the Period. The
Group is debt free.



William Hindmarch, Chief Executive, said:

"I am pleased that the business has stabilised following both the unusual
pandemic period and subsequent post-Covid trading as the world has returned to
normal, albeit with inflationary pressures and the consumer spending
squeeze.  The very large cohort of customers acquired during the pandemic
period has exhibited the normal attrition profile, and with this comparative
headwind behind us, player numbers are well placed for a return to growth.


As previously reported, we have refocused our competition line-up after a
successful trial in the summer to address shifting consumer behaviour, which
has had the intended effect of reducing revenue but enhancing our already
strong profit margins. Revenue for the period was nevertheless almost double
the pre-pandemic level.

Trading since the period end has continued in line with our expectations. BOTB
is underpinned by solid financials, a large and loyal customer base, and a
proven business model.  We are excited by the business development
opportunities resulting from the Globe Invest relationship and look forward to
the future with confidence."







 Best of the Best plc             William Hindmarch, Chief Executive   T: 020 7371 8866

                                  Rupert Garton, Commercial Director

 Buchanan                         Chris Lane                           T: 020 7466 5000

                                  Toto Berger

                                  Jack Devoy

 finnCap                          Corporate Finance                    T: 020 7220 0500

 (Nominated Adviser and Broker)   Carl Holmes

                                  Teddy Whiley


                                  Alice Lane



The information communicated in this announcement is inside information for
the purposes of Article 7 of Regulation 596/2014  Please visit www.botb.com
(http://www.botb.com) for further information



Chief Executive's Statement


Interim Results

Revenue for the six months ended 31 October 2022 was £13.65 million (H1 2021:
£19.12 million) and profit before tax was £2.71 million (H1 2021: £3.04
million).  Earnings per share were 27.95p (H1 2021: 27.26p).

BOTB remains strongly cash generative. Net assets at 31 October 2022 stood at
£3.73 million underpinned by cash balances at the period end of £5.26
million (H1 2021: £8.34m) following the return of £6.75 million to
shareholders via a tender offer in July 2022 and an ordinary dividend in
October 2022.  The Group is debt free.


Strategy, Competitions & GIL Investment

As previously reported, in order to put the business in a better position for
the reduced levels of revenue post-pandemic we have made changes to the
product line-up, re-balancing our three principal weekly competitions - to two
enhanced ones with an additional 'Friday Fun' competition under trial.  We
are pleased with the results of these changes, which have enhanced margins and
make the business better operationally geared for future increases in revenue.

Our principal competitions are now the flagship Weekly Dream Car and Midweek
Lifestyle Competitions, the latter being a combination of our previous Midweek
Car and Lifestyle competitions. Both competitions offer the opportunity to win
brand new cars, with the former operating via Spot the Ball and the latter via
a skill-based question.

During the Period we progressed trials to gain customer insights into
frequency and LTV, including variable pricing structures, large cash prizes
and bundled prizes.  This data contributed to our varied weekly marketing
schedule that keeps the competitions fresh, interesting and relevant to our
loyal customer base.

As already announced Globe Invest Limited ("GIL") acquired a 29.9% strategic
shareholding in BOTB on 8 September 2022.  Since the successful
transformation of BOTB from a bricks and mortar operator to an online pureplay
in the skill-based competition space, the Board of BOTB was actively
considering its options for international expansion and delivering its product
set to a wider audience. After much consideration, the Board concluded that
the most effective way to deliver and achieve this next level of growth, and
therefore the most efficient way to create value for shareholders, was by way
of a partnership agreement with an established global operator. GIL has a
number of affiliated entities which have an extensive international presence
covering content, digital marketing and software development sectors in
particular, as well as a proven track record of growing global B2C and B2B

Following the current period of information sharing and close collaboration,
BOTB and GIL intend to enter into a Licensing and Distribution Agreement and a
Marketing and Collaboration Agreement through which GIL will provide the
business with the operational expertise and reach to execute a global
strategy, whilst further leveraging BOTB's existing database and building upon
the strong foundations that we have created.  This is a great opportunity and
further updates on the progress with GIL will be made in due course, when the
Licensing and Distribution Agreement and a Marketing and Collaboration
Agreement has been finalised and the optimal structure has been decided.


Marketing and CRM

With an addressable marketing database of 1.9m, the business continues to
offer a diverse promotional schedule featuring a variety of prizes to engage
existing and reactivate lapsing players. The weekly selection caters to all
player cohorts with a wide range of ticket prices and includes prize bundles
such as a car plus luxury watch, bills paid for a year and cash sums.

The new CRM platform is now fully integrated, providing a single customer view
and allowing appropriate communications via email and push messaging, as well
as personalised on-site content and retargeting campaigns on Meta and Google

App uptake has continued to grow and now accounts for 25% of weekly players
and revenue. We expect this number to increase moving forward with the ease
and speed of play facilitated by the multiple-choice question entry mechanic
in both the Midweek Lifestyle and 'Friday Fun' competitions, as well as wider
promotion of both iOS and Android apps across all of our marketing, including
incentives to download.

Customer acquisition during the Period focused on the best-performing digital
channels, complemented by traditional TV media and the PR coverage generated
by our winner surprises. We continue to see the benefits of our ongoing SEO
marketing, with improving organic results allowing us to reduce spend on paid
search to drive traffic to the website.

More recently, CPMs on Meta channels have started to return towards pre-Covid
levels, allowing for more efficient player acquisition, particularly for the
Midweek Lifestyle Competition where the wide-ranging prize offering is
attracting a broader pool of players.

Looking ahead, a new TV commercial is launching in February 2023, a bespoke
tracking and optimisation platform developed by GIL is being road-tested and
we continue to explore new channels to market - TikTok in particular is a



Whilst successive lockdowns and the unusual pandemic period set a high bar for
comparing our recent performance, I am pleased that following a period of
pandemic cohort attrition and subsequent stabilisation, revenues are running
at twice the level of that when we exited our last physical retail site and
completed the transformation to a fully online business. We have also shown
how quickly we can as a business respond to changes in the market and shifting
revenue trends with careful cost control and discipline to preserve margins
and cash generation.

Having exhibited the benefits of BOTB's operational gearing during the
financial year ended April 2021, the Board remains fully focused on
re-harnessing this opportunity by focusing on only the most efficient channels
of customer acquisition, through product development and by seeking additional
revenue streams as a result of the developing relationship with GIL and its
associated group companies.

We look to the medium and long term with confidence as we push towards a
return to steady growth and trading since the period end has continued in line
with our expectations.

The Board is excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for BOTB, in
particular the collaboration with GIL and all the benefits, experience and
international exposure that this will bring.

I look forward to updating shareholders in due course.




William Hindmarch

Chief Executive



 Unaudited Income Statement
 For the Six Months Ended 31 October 2022

                                                                Six Months Ended 31/10/22 Unaudited      Six Months Ended 31/10/21 Unaudited

                                                                                                                                                  Year Ended 30/04/22 Audited
                                                         Notes  £'000                                    £'000                                    £'000

 Revenue                                                 2      13,646                                   19,118                                   34,682

 Cost of sales                                                  (5,488)                                  (8,267)                                  (15,272)

 GROSS PROFIT                                                   8,158                                    10,851                                   19,410

 Administrative expenses                                        (5,461)                                  (7,813)                                  (14,271)

 OPERATING PROFIT                                               2,697                                    3,038                                    5,139

 Finance income                                                 12                                       -                                        2

 PROFIT BEFORE TAX                                              2,709                                    3,038                                    5,141

 Tax                                                     3      (266)                                    (472)                                    (877)

 PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD AND TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                                                    2,566

                                                                2,443                                                                             4,264

 Profit and total comprehensive income attributable to:
 Owners of the parent                                           2,443                                    2,566                                    4,264

 Profit on earnings per share expressed
 in pence per share:                                     4
 Basic from continuing operations                               27.95                                    27.26                                    45.30
 Diluted from continuing operations                             27.65                                    27.06                                    44.37


 Unaudited Statement of Financial Position
 As at 31 October 2022




                                    Six Months Ended 31/10/22 Unaudited          Six Months Ended 31/10/21 Unaudited

                                                                                                                          Year Ended 30/04/22 Audited
                                    £'000                                        £'000                                    £'000



 Development costs                  126                                          120                                      107
 Property, plant and equipment      1,057                                        1,087                                    1,075

                                    1,183                                        1,207                                    1,182

 Trade and other receivables        261                                          420                                      184
 Cash and cash equivalents          5,262                                        8,346                                    10,818

                                    5,523                                        8,766                                    11,002

 TOTAL ASSETS                       6,706                                        9,973                                            12,184

 Called up share capital            418                                          471                                      471
 Share premium                      277                                          277                                      277
 Capital redemption reserve         289                                          236                                      236
 Foreign exchange reserve           35                                           29                                       35
 Retained earnings                  2,706                                        5,341                                    7,041

 TOTAL EQUITY                       3,725                                        6,354                                    8,060

 Trade and other payables           2,506                                        3,122                                    3,625
 Tax payable                        451                                          483                                      475
 Provision                          24                                           14                                       24

 TOTAL LIABILITIES                  2,981                                        3,619                                    4,124

 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES       6,706                                        9,973                                    12,184






 Unaudited Statement of Changes in Equity
 For the Six Months Ended 31 October 2022










                                                                                                                                                             Called up
                                                                                                                                                             share          Retained                    Share
                                                                                                                                                             capital        earnings                    premium
                                                                                                                                                             £'000          £'000                       £'000

 Balance at                                                                                                                                                  471                     7,953              277
 1 May 2021
 Dividends                                                                                                                                                   -              (5,178)                     -
 Transactions with owners                                                                                                                                    -              (5,178)                     -
 Profit for the year                                                                                                                                         -              4,264                       -
 Exchange differences arising on translating foreign operations

                                                                                                                                                             -              2                           -
 Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                                  -              4,266                       -

 Balance at 30 April 2022                                                                                                                                    471            7,041                       277

 Effect of share                                                                                                                                             (53)           (6,276)                     -
 Dividends                                                                                                                                                   -              (502)                       -
 Transactions with owners                                                                                                                                    (53)           (6,778)                     -
 Profit for the period                                                                                                                                       -              2,443                       -
 Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                                  -              2,443                       -

 Balance at 31 October 2022                                                                                                                                  418            2,706                       277


                                                                 Capital       Foreign
                                                                 redemption    exchange    Total
                                                                 reserve       reserves    equity
                                                                 £'000         £'000       £'000

 Balance at 1 May 2021                                           236           27          8,964
 Dividends                                                       -             -           (5,178)
 Transactions with owners                                        -             -           (5,178)
 Profit for the year                                             -             -           4,264
 Exchange differences arising on translating foreign operations

                                                                 -             8           10
 Total comprehensive income                                      -             -           4,274

 Balance at 30 April 2022                                        236           35          8,060

 Share re-purchase                                               53            -           (6,276)
 Dividends                                                       -             -           (502)
 Transactions with owners                                        53            -           (6,778)
 Profit for the period                                           -             -           2,443
 Total comprehensive income                                      -             -           2,443

 Balance at 31 October 2022                                      289           35          3,725








 Unaudited Statement of Changes in Equity
 For the Six Months Ended 31 October 2022






                             Called up
                             share          Retained                    Share
                             capital        earnings                    premium
                             £'000          £'000                       £'000

 Balance at 1 May 2021       471                     7,953              277

 Dividends                   -              (5,178)                     -
 Transactions with owners    -              -                           -
 Profit for the period       -              2,566                       -
 Total comprehensive income  -              2,566                       -

 Balance at 31 October 2021  471            5,341                       277



                             Capital       Foreign
                             redemption    exchange    Total
                             reserve       reserves    equity
                             £'000         £'000       £'000

 Balance at 1 May 2021       236           27          8,964

 Dividends                   -             -           (5,178)
 Transactions with owners    -             -           -
 Profit for the period       -             2           2,568
 Total comprehensive income  -             -           2,568

 Balance at 31 October 2021  236           29          6,354





 Unaudited Cash Flow Statement
 For the Six Months Ended 31 October 2022

                                                                      Six Months Ended 31/10/22 Unaudited                     Six Months Ended 31/10/21 Unaudited

                                                                                                                                                                                      Year Ended 30/04/22 Audited

 Cash flows from operating activities              Notes              £'000                                                   £'000                                                   £'000

 Cash generated from operations                    6                  1,548                                                   3,023                                                   5,905
 Tax paid                                                             (289)                                                   (1,307)                                                 (1,707)

 Net cash from operating activities                                   1,259                                                   1,716                                                   4,198

 Cash flows from investing activities
 Purchase of intangible fixed assets                                  (45)                                                    -                                                       -
 Purchase of tangible fixed assets                                    (4)                                                     (6)                                                     (18)
 Interest received                                                    12                                                      -                                                       2

 Net cash from investing activities                                   (37)                                                    (6)                                                     (16)

 Cash flows from financing activities
 Share re-purchase                                                    (6,276)                                                 -                                                       -
 Equity dividends paid                                                (502)                                                   (5,178)                                                 (5,178)

 Net cash from financing activities                                   (6,778)                                                 (5,178)                                                 (5,178)

 Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                (5,556)                                                 (3,468)                                                 (996)

 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                     10,818                                                  11,814                                                  11,814

 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                           5,262                                                   8,346                                                   10,818










Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

For the Six Months Ended 31 October 2022





These condensed interim financial statements are for the six months ended 31
October 2022. They have been prepared with regard to the requirements of
International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the UK. They do not
include all of the information required for full financial statements and
should be read in conjunction with the financial statements (under IFRS) of
the Group for the year ended 30 April 2022.


The Group is listed on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange and has
prepared the interim financial statements in accordance with AIM rule 18. The
Group has elected not to adopt the full scope of IAS 34 'Interim Financial
Reports', which is a voluntary requirement.


The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost
convention. Principal accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of
the annual financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2022.




  The Directors consider that the primary reporting format is by business
segment and that there is only one such segment being that of competition
operators. This disclosure has already been provided in these financial




3.             TAX


                              Analysis of the tax

                                         Six Months Ended 31/10/22 Unaudited      Six Months Ended 31/10/21 Unaudited      Year

                                                                                                                           Ended 30/04/22 Audited
                                         £'000                                    £'000                                    £'000

 Current tax:
 Current period charge                   451                                      472                                      865
 Overprovision in prior period           (185)                                    -                                         -
 Deferred tax                            -                                        -                                        12
 Total tax charge in income statement    266                                      472                                      877





Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

For the Six Months Ended 31 October 2022




4.            EARNINGS PER SHARE


Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the earnings attributable
to the ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares
outstanding during the year.


Diluted earnings per share is calculated using the weighted average number of
shares outstanding during the year, adjusted to assume the exercise of all
dilutive potential ordinary shares under the company's share option plans.




                                                                                     Six Months Ended 31/10/22      Six Months Ended 31/10/21

                                                                                     Unaudited                      Unaudited                      Year Ended 30/04/22

 Profit and basic and diluted earnings attributable to the owners of the parent                                     2,566

                                                                                     2,443                                                         4,264
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares                                          8,744,226                      9,412,901                      9,412,901
 Basic earnings per share                                                            27.95p                         27.26p                         45.30p
 Adjusted weighted average number of ordinary shares                                 8,838,578                      9,483,360                      9,532,901
 Diluted earnings per share                                                          27.65p                         27.06p                         44.37p


Diluted earnings per share is calculated using the weighted average number of
shares outstanding during the year, adjusted to assume the exercise of all
dilutive potential ordinary shares under the company's share option plans.



5.          DIVIDENDS


A Special Dividend of 6 pence per ordinary share was paid on 22 September 2022
to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 16 September 2022.





Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

For the Six Months Ended 31 October 2022






                                                         Six Months Ended 31/10/22 Unaudited      Six Months Ended 31/10/21 Unaudited      Year

                                                                                                                                           Ended 30/04/22 Audited
                                                         £'000                                    £'000                                    £'000

 Profit before income tax                                2,709                                    3,038                                    5,145
 Depreciation and amortisation charges                   48                                       63                                       99
 Finance income                                          (12)                                     -                                                  (2)
 Exchange differences                                    -                                        -                                        8
 (Increase) / decrease in trade and other receivables    (77)                                     (149)                                    86
 (Decrease) / increase in trade and other payables       (1,120)                                  71                                       569
                                                         1,548                                    3,023                                    5,905





On 6 July 2022, subject to a circular dated 16 June 2022, shareholders
approved a proposed tender offer by finnCap Ltd to purchase Ordinary shares in
the Company up to approximately 11% of the issued share capital at a price of
600 pence per share.


1,045,877 Ordinary shares of £0.05 per share were re-purchased by the company
and subsequently cancelled. An amount equal to the nominal value of the
Ordinary shares has been transferred to the capital redemption reserve. The
amount paid per share was £6.00. The difference between the amount paid and
the nominal value of the shares re-purchased has been deducted from the
retained earnings reserve.





The financial information contained in this interim statement does not
constitute statutory accounts as defined in sections 434 of the Companies Act
2006.  All information is unaudited apart from that included for the year
ended 30 April 2022.


The statutory accounts for the financial year ended 30 April 2022 were
prepared under IFRS and in conformity with the requirements of the Companies
Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. These accounts, upon
which the auditor issued an unqualified opinion, did not include references to
any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without
qualifying their report and did not contain statements under 498(2) or (3),
(accounting records or returns inadequate, accounts not agreeing with records
and returns or failure to obtain necessary information and explanations) of
the Companies Act 2006, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.










This interim statement will be made available at the Company's registered
office at 2 Plato Place, 72-74 St. Dionis Road, London SW6 4TU and will be
available on the Company's website: www.botb.com.

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