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REG - Land Sec. Group PLC - Preliminary results to 31 March 2015 <Origin Href="QuoteRef">LAND.L</Origin> - Part 4

- Part 4: For the preceding part double click  ID:nRSS5689Nc 

2.    The adjustment represents the non-owned element of a Group subsidiary's investment in a joint venture which is
excluded from revenue profit and the 'Net surplus/(deficit) on revaluation of investment properties' shown in this note. 
3.    On 31 October 2014, the Group acquired the remaining 50% interest in Buchanan Galleries, Glasgow from its joint
venture partner, therefore the table above only represents the comprehensive income earned in the year up to this date. 
4.    On 30 October 2014, the Group disposed of its interest in the Bristol Alliance Limited Partnership, therefore the
table above only represents the comprehensive income earned in the year up to this date. 
                                                                Year ended 31 March 2014                 
 Joint ventures                                                 20 Fenchurch Street Limited Partnership  Nova, Victoria  Metro Shopping Fund Limited Partnership  Buchanan Partnership  St. David's Limited Partnership  Westgate Oxford Alliance Partnership  Bristol AllianceLimited Partnership  The Oriana Limited Partnership  Individually material  Other     Total     
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    JVs at                                     
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    LS's share                                 
 Income statement                                               100%                                     100%            100%                                     100%                  100%                             100%                                  100%                                 100%                            50%                    LS share  LS share  
 £m                                                             £m                                       £m              £m                                       £m                    £m                               £m                                    £m                                   £m                              £m                     £m        
 Revenue(1)                                                     1.4                                      -               17.4                                     20.6                  44.6                             4.4                                   42.0                                 13.4                            71.9                   24.9      96.8      
 Gross rental income (after rents payable)                      1.0                                      (0.2)           14.4                                     18.0                  33.4                             3.6                                   35.4                                 12.8                            59.2                   14.0      73.2      
 Net rental income/(expense)                                    (3.8)                                    (1.2)           12.8                                     15.6                  27.2                             2.8                                   30.2                                 12.4                            48.0                   12.3      60.3      
 Segment profit/(loss) before interest                          (4.2)                                    (1.4)           12.2                                     15.4                  26.0                             2.4                                   29.6                                 11.8                            45.9                   11.5      57.4      
 Net interest expense                                           (8.8)                                    (0.6)           (6.6)                                    (8.4)                 (8.8)                            -                                     -                                    (7.4)                           (20.3)                 (2.4)     (22.7)    
 Revenue profit                                                 (13.0)                                   (2.0)           5.6                                      7.0                   17.2                             2.4                                   29.6                                 4.4                             25.6                   9.1       34.7      
 Capital and other items                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
 Profit on long-term development contracts                      -                                        -               -                                        -                     -                                -                                     -                                    -                               -                      1.0       1.0       
 Profit on disposal of trading properties                       -                                        -               -                                        -                     1.0                              -                                     -                                    -                               0.5                    -         0.5       
 Profit on disposal of investment properties                    -                                        -               -                                        -                     -                                -                                     -                                    -                               -                      0.4       0.4       
 Impairment of trading properties                               -                                        -               -                                        -                     (0.6)                            -                                     -                                    -                               (0.3)                  -         (0.3)     
 Net surplus/(deficit) on revaluation of investment properties  201.4                                    30.2            16.4                                     (6.4)                 17.6                             (6.8)                                 (5.4)                                65.4                            156.2                  (0.9)     155.3     
 Fair value movement on interest-rate swaps                     -                                        -               -                                        -                     3.6                              -                                     -                                    3.0                             3.3                    1.5       4.8       
 Adjustment for non-wholly owned                                -                                        -               -                                        -                     -                                -                                     -                                    -                               -                      0.5       0.5       
 Profit before tax                                              188.4                                    28.2            22.0                                     0.6                   38.8                             (4.4)                                 24.2                                 72.8                            185.3                  11.6      196.9     
 Income tax                                                     -                                        -               (1.0)                                    -                     (0.4)                            -                                     -                                    -                               (0.7)                  (0.4)     (1.1)     
                                                                188.4                                    28.2            21.0                                     0.6                   38.4                             (4.4)                                 24.2                                 72.8                            184.6                  11.2      195.8     
 Net liabilities adjustment(3)                                  -                                        -               -                                        -                     -                                -                                     -                                    -                               -                      (0.3)     (0.3)     
 Post-tax profit                                                188.4                                    28.2            21.0                                     0.6                   38.4                             (4.4)                                 24.2                                 72.8                            184.6                  10.9      195.5     
 Other comprehensive income                                     -                                        -               6.0                                      -                     -                                -                                     -                                    -                               3.0                    0.5       3.5       
 Total comprehensive income                                     188.4                                    28.2            27.0                                     0.6                   38.4                             (4.4)                                 24.2                                 72.8                            187.6                  11.4      199.0     
                                                                50.0%                                    50.0%           50.0%                                    50.0%                 50.0%                            50.0%                                 50.0%                                50.0%                                                                      
 Land Securities' share of total comprehensive income           94.2                                     14.1            13.5                                     0.3                   19.2                             (2.2)                                 12.1                                 36.4                            187.6                  11.4      199.0     
1.    Revenue includes gross rental income (before rents payable), service charge income, other property related income,
trading properties disposal proceeds and income from long-term development contracts. 
2.    The adjustment represents the non-owned element of a Group subsidiary's investment in a joint venture which is
excluded from revenue profit and the 'Net surplus/(deficit) on revaluation of investment properties' shown in this note. 
3.    Joint ventures with net liabilities are carried at zero value in the balance sheet where there is no commitment to
fund the deficit. Where this is the case distributions are included in the consolidated income statement for the year. 
                                           20 Fenchurch Street Limited Partnership  Nova, Victoria  Metro Shopping Fund Limited Partnership  Buchanan Partnership(2)  St. David's Limited Partnership  Westgate Oxford Alliance Partnership  Bristol AllianceLimited Partnership(3)  The Oriana Limited Partnership  Individually material  Other     Total     
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     JVs at                                     
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     LS's share                                 
 Balance sheet at                          100%                                     100%            100%                                     100%                     100%                             100%                                  100%                                    100%                            50%                    LS share  LS share  
 31 March 2015                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
 £m                                        £m                                       £m              £m                                       £m                       £m                               £m                                    £m                                      £m                              £m                     £m        
 Investment properties(1)                  916.4                                    453.2           308.6                                    -                        641.6                            100.0                                 -                                       242.4                           1,331.1                71.9      1,403.0   
 Non-current assets                        916.4                                    453.2           308.6                                    -                        641.6                            100.0                                 -                                       242.4                           1,331.1                71.9      1,403.0   
 Cash and cash equivalents                 6.6                                      4.0             10.2                                     -                        6.2                              8.6                                   -                                       62.2                            48.9                   9.3       58.2      
 Other current assets                      35.0                                     184.8           6.0                                      -                        23.2                             1.0                                   -                                       28.2                            139.1                  32.5      171.6     
 Current assets                            41.6                                     188.8           16.2                                     -                        29.4                             9.6                                   -                                       90.4                            188.0                  41.8      229.8     
 Total assets                              958.0                                    642.0           324.8                                    -                        671.0                            109.6                                 -                                       332.8                           1,519.1                113.7     1,632.8   
 Trade and other payables and provisions   (66.0)                                   (97.0)          (5.9)                                    -                        (13.2)                           (2.6)                                 -                                       (41.4)                          (113.0)                (4.8)     (117.8)   
 Current liabilities                       (66.0)                                   (97.0)          (5.9)                                    -                        (13.2)                           (2.6)                                 -                                       (41.4)                          (113.0)                (4.8)     (117.8)   
 Trade and other payables and provisions   -                                        -               -                                        -                        -                                -                                     -                                       -                               -                      -         -         
 Non-current financial liabilities         -                                        -               (147.0)                                  -                        -                                -                                     -                                       -                               (73.5)                 (8.0)     (81.5)    
 Non-current liabilities                   -                                        -               (147.0)                                  -                        -                                -                                     -                                       -                               (73.5)                 (8.0)     (81.5)    
 Total liabilities                         (66.0)                                   (97.0)          (152.9)                                  -                        (13.2)                           (2.6)                                 -                                       (41.4)                          (186.5)                (12.8)    (199.3)   
 Net assets                                892.0                                    545.0           171.9                                    -                        657.8                            107.0                                 -                                       291.4                           1,332.6                100.9     1,433.5   
 Market value of investment properties(1)  948.2                                    453.2           310.6                                    -                        660.0                            100.0                                 -                                       242.6                           1,357.3                72.2      1,429.5   
 Net (debt)/cash                           6.6                                      4.0             (136.8)                                  -                        6.2                              8.6                                   -                                       62.2                            (24.6)                 1.3       (23.3)    
 Balance sheet at                                                                                                                     
 31 March 2014                                                                                                                        
 Investment properties(1)                  686.8   265.2   235.4    268.0  523.2    60.0   509.2   392.0    1,469.9  101.5   1,571.4  
 Non-current assets                        686.8   265.2   235.4    268.0  523.2    60.0   509.2   392.0    1,469.9  101.5   1,571.4  
 Cash and cash equivalents                 3.8     13.2    8.4      1.2    12.2     2.0    4.8     12.8     29.2     7.4     36.6     
 Other current assets                      1.0     131.6   4.8      5.2    27.0     0.6    34.2    16.0     110.2    43.0    153.2    
 Current assets                            4.8     144.8   13.2     6.4    39.2     2.6    39.0    28.8     139.4    50.4    189.8    
 Total assets                              691.6   410.0   248.6    274.4  562.4    62.6   548.2   420.8    1,609.3  151.9   1,761.2  
 Trade and other payables and provisions   (30.8)  (34.6)  (6.4)    (4.2)  (14.2)   (1.2)  (13.6)  (17.0)   (61.0)   (4.6)   (65.6)   
 Current liabilities                       (30.8)  (34.6)  (6.4)    (4.2)  (14.2)   (1.2)  (13.6)  (17.0)   (61.0)   (4.6)   (65.6)   
 Trade and other payables and provisions   -       (12.8)  -        -      -        -      -       -        (6.4)    (1.1)   (7.5)    
 Non-current financial liabilities         -       -       (142.8)  -      (157.6)  -      (5.2)   (166.8)  (236.2)  (8.6)   (244.8)  
 Non-current liabilities                   -       (12.8)  (142.8)  -      (157.6)  -      (5.2)   (166.8)  (242.6)  (9.7)   (252.3)  
 Total liabilities                         (30.8)  (47.4)  (149.2)  (4.2)  (171.8)  (1.2)  (18.8)  (183.8)  (303.6)  (14.3)  (317.9)  
 Net assets                                660.8   362.6   99.4     270.2  390.6    61.4   529.4   237.0    1,305.7  137.6   1,443.3  
 Market value of investment properties(1)  687.6   265.2   237.2    270.0  544.4    60.0   534.6   398.0    1,498.5  101.9   1,600.4  
 Net (debt)/cash                           3.8     13.2    (134.4)  1.2    (145.2)  6.2    (0.2)   (153.8)  (204.6)  (3.6)   (208.2)  
1.    The difference between the book value and the market value is the amount included in Other current assets in respect
of lease incentives, head leases capitalised and properties treated as finance leases. 
2.    On 31 October 2014, the Group acquired the remaining 50% interest in Buchanan Galleries, Glasgow from its joint
venture partner and now recognises it as a subsidiary undertaking. 
3.    On 30 October 2014, the Group disposed of its interest in the Bristol Alliance Limited Partnership. 
 Joint ventures                    20 Fenchurch Street Limited Partnership  Nova, Victoria  Metro Shopping Fund Limited Partnership  Buchanan Partnership  St. David's Limited Partnership  Westgate Oxford Alliance Partnership  Bristol AllianceLimited Partnership  The Oriana Limited Partnership  Individually material JVs at  Other     Total     
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       LS's share                                        
 Net investment                    50%                                      50%             50%                                      50%                   50%                              50%                                   50%                                  50%                             50%                           LS share  LS share  
 £m                                £m                                       £m              £m                                       £m                    £m                               £m                                    £m                                   £m                              £m                            £m        
 At 1 April 2013                   175.6                                    126.5           37.0                                     138.2                 186.1                            29.8                                  268.7                                82.1                            1,044.0                       257.0     1,301.0   
 Total comprehensive income        94.2                                     14.1            13.5                                     0.3                   19.2                             (2.2)                                 12.1                                 36.4                            187.6                         11.4      199.0     
 Cash contributed                  -                                        -               -                                        1.3                   -                                3.3                                   -                                    -                               4.6                           0.1       4.7       
 Property and other contributions  0.1                                      -               -                                        -                     -                                -                                     -                                    -                               0.1                           -         0.1       
 Distributions                     -                                        -               (0.8)                                    (4.7)                 -                                (0.2)                                 (16.1)                               -                               (21.8)                        (5.6)     (27.4)    
 Loan advances                     60.5                                     40.7            -                                        -                     -                                -                                     -                                    -                               101.2                         15.9      117.1     
 Loan repayments                   -                                        -               -                                        -                     (10.0)                           -                                     -                                    -                               (10.0)                        (0.9)     (10.9)    
 Disposals                         -                                        -               -                                        -                     -                                -                                     -                                    -                               -                             (140.3)   (140.3)   
 At 31 March 2014                  330.4                                    181.3           49.7                                     135.1                 195.3                            30.7                                  264.7                                118.5                           1,305.7                       137.6     1,443.3   
 Total comprehensive income        93.5                                     38.2            32.2                                     2.0                   70.9                             12.1                                  8.7                                  52.2                            309.8                         14.3      324.1     
 Cash contributed                  -                                        -               4.9                                      1.1                   -                                10.7                                  -                                    -                               16.7                          -         16.7      
 Property and other contributions  0.1                                      -               -                                        -                     -                                -                                     -                                    -                               0.1                           0.1       0.2       
 Distributions                     -                                        -               (0.9)                                    (1.9)                 -                                -                                     (8.6)                                (15.3)                          (26.7)                        (33.0)    (59.7)    
 Loan advances                     22.0                                     53.1            -                                        -                     78.3                             -                                     -                                    -                               153.4                         0.5       153.9     
 Loan repayments                   -                                        -               -                                        -                     (15.6)                           -                                     -                                    (9.7)                           (25.3)                        (11.7)    (37.0)    
 Disposals                         -                                        -               -                                        (136.3)               -                                -                                     (264.8)                              -                               (401.1)                       (6.9)     (408.0)   
 At 31 March 2015                  446.0                                    272.6           85.9                                     -                     328.9                            53.5                                  -                                    145.7                           1,332.6                       100.9     1,433.5   
 12. Trading properties and long-term development contracts    
                                      Development land and infrastructure  Residential  Total                Long-term development contracts  Total   
                                                                                        trading properties                                            
                                      £m                                   £m           £m                   £m                               £m      
 At 1 April 2013                      86.2                                 57.2         143.4                9.4                              152.8   
 Capital expenditure                  3.7                                  30.5         34.2                 -                                34.2    
 Capitalised interest                 0.9                                  1.9          2.8                  -                                2.8     
 Disposals                            -                                    (9.3)        (9.3)                -                                (9.3)   
 Transfer from investment properties  -                                    5.8          5.8                  -                                5.8     
 Impairment release                   5.3                                  -            5.3                  -                                5.3     
 Contract costs deferred              -                                    -            -                    1.3                              1.3     
 At 31 March 2014                     96.1                                 86.1         182.2                10.7                             192.9   
 Capital expenditure                  6.5                                  48.2         54.7                 0.6                              55.3    
 Capitalised interest                 0.5                                  3.1          3.6                  -                                3.6     
 Disposals                            (20.1)                               -            (20.1)               -                                (20.1)  
 Impairment release                   1.9                                  -            1.9                  -                                1.9     
 Contract costs impaired              -                                    -            -                    (11.3)                           (11.3)  
 At 31 March 2015                     84.9                                 137.4        222.3                -                                222.3   
The cumulative impairment provision at 31 March 2015 in respect of Development land and infrastructure was £91.3m (31 March
2014: £98.1m); and in respect of Residential was £nil (31 March 2014: £0.3m). 
 13. Capital structure      
                                                                                                                             2015                                                                             2014      
                                                  Group     Joint ventures  Adjustment for non-wholly owned subsidiaries(1)  Combined  Group     Joint       Adjustment for non-wholly owned subsidiaries(1)  Combined  
                                                  £m        £m              £m                                               £m        £m        £m          £m                                               £m        
 Property portfolio                                                                                                                                                                                                     
 Market value of investment properties            12,634.9  1,429.5         (33.0)                                           14,031.4  10,288.8  1,600.4     (29.8)                                           11,859.4  
 Trading properties and long-term contracts       222.3     115.1           -                                                337.4     192.9     91.7        -                                                284.6     
 Non-current assets held for sale                 283.4     -               -                                                283.4     -         -           -                                                -         
 Total property portfolio (a)                     13,140.6  1,544.6         (33.0)                                           14,652.2  10,481.7  1,692.1     (29.8)                                           12,144.0  
 Net debt                                                                                                                                                                                                               
 Borrowings                                       3,783.7   79.4            (0.2)                                            3,862.9   3,362.2   244.9       (0.1)                                            3,607.0   
 Monies held in restricted accounts and deposits  (10.4)    -               -                                                (10.4)    (14.5)    -           -                                                (14.5)    
 Cash and cash equivalents                        (14.3)    (58.2)          -                                                (72.5)    (20.9)    (36.6)      0.1                                              (57.4)    
 Fair value of interest-rate swaps                37.7      2.1             -                                                39.8      -         -           -                                                -         
 Fair value of foreign exchange swaps             3.8       -               -                                                3.8       3.7       (0.1)       -                                                3.6       
 Net debt (b)                                     3,800.5   23.3            (0.2)                                            3,823.6   3,330.5   208.2       -                                                3,538.7   
 Less: Fair value of interest-rate swaps          (37.7)    (2.1)           -                                                (39.8)    (3.7)     0.1         -                                                (3.6)     
 Less: Fair value of foreign exchange swaps       (3.8)     -               -                                                (3.8)     -         -           -                                                -         
 Reverse bond exchange de-recognition (note 14)   391.7     -               -                                                391.7     413.2     -           -                                                413.2     
 Adjusted net debt (c)                            4,150.7   21.2            (0.2)                                            4,171.7   3,740.0   208.3       -                                                3,948.3   
 Adjusted total equity                                                                                                                                                                                                  
 Total equity (d)                                 10,606.3  -               -                                                10,606.3  8,418.3   -           -                                                8,418.3   
 Fair value of interest-rate swaps                37.7      2.1             -                                                39.8      3.7       (0.1)       -                                                3.6       
 Fair value of foreign exchange swaps             3.8       -               -                                                3.8       -         -           -                                                -         
 Reverse bond exchange de-recognition (note 14)   (391.7)   -               -                                                (391.7)   (413.2)   -           -                                                (413.2)   
 Adjusted total equity (e)                        10,256.1  2.1             -                                                10,258.2  8,008.8   (0.1)       -                                                8,008.7   
 Gearing (b/d)                                    35.8%                                                                      36.1%     39.6%                                                                  42.0%     
 Adjusted gearing (c/e)                           40.5%                                                                      40.7%     46.7%                                                                  49.3%     
 Group LTV (c/a)                                  31.6%                                                                      28.5%     35.7%                                                                  32.5%     
 Security Group LTV                               31.5%                                                                                35.5%                                                                            
 Weighted average cost of debt                    4.5%                                                                       4.5%      5.0%                                                                   5.0%      
1.    This represents the interest in X-Leisure which we do not own, but is consolidated in the Group numbers. 
 14. Borrowings    
                                                                                   2015                       2014      
                                          Secured/    Fixed/     Effective         Nominal/ notional value£m  Fair      Book value£m  Nominal/ notional value£m  Fair      Book value£m  
                                          unsecured   floating   interest rate%                               value£m                                            value£m                 
 Current borrowings                                                                                                                                                                      
 5.253% QAG Bond                          Secured     Fixed      5.3               14.6                       17.5      14.6          13.2                       15.0      13.2          
 Bilateral facilities                     Secured     Floating   LIBOR + margin    -                          -         -             500.0                      500.0     500.0         
 Commercial paper                         Unsecured   Floating   LIBOR + margin    30.1                       30.1      30.1          -                          -         -             
 Commercial paper                         Unsecured   Floating   EURIBOR + margin  146.0                      146.0     146.0         -                          -         -             
 Total current borrowings                                                          190.7                      193.6     190.7         513.2                      515.0     513.2         
 Non-current borrowings                                                                                                                                                                  
 4.875% MTN due 2019                      Secured     Fixed      5.0               400.0                      436.0     398.7         400.0                      441.1     398.2         
 5.425% MTN due 2022                      Secured     Fixed      5.5               255.3                      298.3     254.9         255.3                      290.8     254.8         
 4.875% MTN due 2025                      Secured     Fixed      4.9               300.0                      357.2     298.0         300.0                      332.6     297.9         
 5.391% MTN due 2026                      Secured     Fixed      5.4               210.7                      260.1     210.1         210.7                      242.9     210.0         
 5.391% MTN due 2027                      Secured     Fixed      5.4               608.3                      767.1     606.2         608.6                      703.3     606.4         
 5.376% MTN due 2029                      Secured     Fixed      5.4               317.6                      410.1     316.2         317.5                      366.3     316.1         
 5.396% MTN due 2032                      Secured     Fixed      5.4               322.6                      426.5     321.0         322.7                      375.1     321.0         
 5.125% MTN due 2036                      Secured     Fixed      5.1               500.0                      653.5     498.7         500.0                      570.2     498.7         
 Bond exchange de-recognition adjustment                                                                                (391.7)                                            (413.2)       
                                                                                   2,914.5                    3,608.8   2,512.1       2,914.8                    3,322.3   2,489.9       
 5.253% QAG Bond                          Secured     Fixed      5.3               289.4                      347.0     289.4         304.0                      346.0     304.0         
 Syndicated bank debt                     Secured     Floating   LIBOR + margin    180.0                      180.0     180.0         15.0                       15.0      15.0          
 Bilateral facilities                     Secured     Floating   LIBOR + margin    595.0                      595.0     595.0         10.0                       10.0      10.0          
 Amounts payable under finance leases     Unsecured   Fixed      7.2               16.5                       20.7      16.5          30.1                       43.0      30.1          
 Total non-current borrowings                                                      3,995.4                    4,751.5   3,593.0       3,273.9                    3,736.3   2,849.0       
 Total borrowings                                                                  4,186.1                    4,945.1   3,783.7       3,787.1                    4,251.3   3,362.2       
 Reconciliation of the movement in borrowings                      Group    
                                                          2015     2014     
                                                          £m       £m       
 At the beginning of the year                             3,362.2  3,751.4  
 Repayment of loans                                       (13.6)   (911.3)  
 Proceeds from new loans                                  431.0    500.0    
 Foreign exchange on commercial paper                     (4.9)    -        
 Amortisation of finance fees                             1.1      1.1      
 Amortisation of bond exchange de-recognition adjustment  21.5     19.6     
 Net movement in finance lease obligations                (13.6)   1.4      
 At 31 March                                              3,783.7  3,362.2  
Medium term notes (MTNs) 
The MTNs are secured on the fixed and floating pool of assets of the Security Group. Debt investors benefit from security
over a pool of investment properties, development properties and the Group's investment in the Westgate Oxford Alliance
Limited Partnership, Nova, Victoria and the St. David's Limited Partnership, valued at £12.3bn at 31 March 2015 (2014:
£9.7bn). The secured debt structure has a tiered operating covenant regime which gives the Group substantial flexibility
when the loan-to-value and interest cover in the Security Group are less than 65% and more than 1.45 times respectively. If
these limits are exceeded, the operating environment becomes more restrictive with provisions to encourage the reduction in
gearing. The interest rate is fixed until the expected maturity, being two years before the legal maturity date for each
MTN, whereupon the interest rate for the last two years is LIBOR plus a step-up margin. The effective interest rate
includes the amortisation of issue costs. The MTNs are listed on the Irish Stock Exchange and their fair values are based
on their respective market prices. 
Syndicated and bilateral bank debt 
                  Maturity        Authorised  Drawn    Undrawn  
                  as at                                         
                  31 March 2015                                 
                  2015            2014        2015     2014     2015   2014     
                  £m              £m          £m       £m       £m     £m       
 Syndicated debt  2020            1,255.0     1,085.0  180.0    15.0   1,075.0  1,070.0  
 Bilateral debt   2016 -18        985.0       985.0    595.0    510.0  390.0    475.0    
                                  2,240.0     2,070.0  775.0    525.0  1,465.0  1,545.0  
The terms of the Security Group funding arrangements require undrawn facilities to be reserved where syndicated and
bilateral facilities mature within one year, or where commercial paper has been issued. Accordingly, the Group's available
undrawn facilities at 31 March 2015 were £1,288.9m (2014: £1,045.0m), compared with undrawn facilities of £1,465.0m (2014:
All syndicated and bilateral facilities are committed and secured on the assets of the Security Group. In the year ended 31
March 2015, the amounts drawn under the Group's bilateral facilities and syndicated bank debt increased by £250.0m,
primarily to fund the acquisition of Bluewater, Kent. To increase our financial headroom following the acquisition, the
£500.0m short-term bank facility in place at 31 March 2014 was cancelled and replaced with a facility for the same amount
expiring in September 2016. 
At 31 March 2014 the Group had a £1.085bn authorised credit facility with a maturity of December 2016, which was £15.0m
drawn. In March 2015, the borrowings under this facility were repaid and the facility was cancelled in full. At the same
time a new £1.255bn facility was entered into, which matures in March 2020. The new facility was £180.0m drawn at 31 March
2015. This facility is committed and is secured on the assets of the Security Group. 
The Group actively maintains a mixture of notes with final maturities between 2019 and 2036, commercial paper and
medium-term committed bank facilities that are designed to ensure that the Group has sufficient available funds for its
operations and its committed capital expenditure programme. 
Management monitors the Group's available funds as follows: 
                                              2015     2014     
                                              £m       £m       
 Cash and cash equivalents                    14.3     20.9     
 Available facilities                         1,288.9  1,045.0  
 Cash and available undrawn facilities        1,303.2  1,065.9  
 As a proportion of drawn debt                31.3%    28.4%    
The Group's core financing structure is in the Security Group, although the remaining Non-Restricted Group may also secure
independent funding. 
Queen Anne's Gate Bond 
On 29 July 2009, the Group issued a £360.3m bond secured on the rental cash flows from the commercial lease with the UK
Government over Queen Anne's Gate (QAG). The QAG Bond is a fully amortising bond with a final maturity in February 2027 and
a fixed interest rate of 5.253% per annum. At 31 March 2015 the bond had an amortised book value of £304.0m (2014:
Fair values 
The fair values of any floating rate financial liabilities are assumed to be equal to their nominal value, but adjusted for
the effect of exit fees payable on redemption. The fair values of the MTNs and the QAG Bond fall within Level 1, the
syndicated and bilateral facilities fall within Level 2, and the amounts payable under finance leases fall within Level 3,
as defined by IFRS 13. 
Bond exchange de-recognition 
On 3 November 2004, a debt refinancing was completed resulting in the Group exchanging all of its outstanding bond and
debenture debt for new MTNs with higher nominal values. The new MTNs did not meet the IAS 39 requirement to be
substantially different from the debt that they replaced. Consequently the book value of the new debt is reduced to the
book value of the original debt by the 'bond exchange de-recognition' adjustment which is then amortised to zero over the
life of the new MTNs. The amortisation is included in interest expense in the income statement. 
 15. Monies held in restricted accounts and deposits    
                           2015  2014   
                           £m    £m     
 Cash at bank and in hand  8.2   7.6    
 Short-term deposits       2.2   6.9    
                           10.4  14.5   
The credit quality of monies held in restricted accounts and deposits can be assessed by reference to external credit
ratings of the counterparty where the account or deposit is placed. 
                                              2015  2014   
                                              £m    £m     
 Counterparties with external credit ratings               
 A                                            10.4  14.5   
                                              10.4  14.5   
 16. Cash and cash equivalents    
                                 Group        Company  
                           2015  2014   2015  2014     
                           £m    £m     £m    £m       
 Cash at bank and in hand  6.6   18.2   0.1   0.1      
 Short-term deposits       7.7   2.7    -     -        
                           14.3  20.9   0.1   0.1      
Short-term deposits 
The effective interest rate on short-term deposits was 0.3% at 31 March 2015 (2014: 0.3%) and had an average maturity of
1.5 days (2014: 2.0 days). 
The credit quality of cash and cash equivalents can be assessed by reference to external credit ratings of the counterparty
where the account or deposit is placed. 
                                              2015  2014   
                                              £m    £m     
 Counterparties with external credit ratings               
 A                                            12.8  20.3   
 A-                                           1.5   0.6    
                                              14.3  20.9   
 17. Business combinations    
The Group has accounted for the following 

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