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PFC Petrofac News Story

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REG-Petrofac Limited Petrofac Limited: HOL-Holding(s) in Company*


   Petrofac Limited ( PFC)
   Petrofac Limited: HOL-Holding(s) in Company*

   01-Dec-2022 / 07:00 GMT/BST
   Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement, transmitted by EQS Group.
   The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


   cTR-1: Standard form for notification of major holdings


   │NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR HOLDINGS (to be sent to the relevant issuer and to│
   │the FCA in Microsoft Word format if possible)i                          │
   │                                                                        │
   │1a. Identity of the issuer or the   │                                   │
   │underlying issuer of existing shares│           Petrofac Ltd            │
   │to which voting rights are          │                                   │
   │attachedii:                         │                                   │
   │1b. Please indicate if the issuer is a non-UK issuer  (please mark with │
   │an “X” if appropriate)                                                  │
   │Non-UK issuer                                                   │   X   │
   │2. Reason for the notification (please mark the appropriate box or boxes│
   │with an “X”)                                                            │
   │An acquisition or disposal of voting rights                     │   X   │
   │An acquisition or disposal of financial instruments             │   X   │
   │An event changing the breakdown of voting rights                │       │
   │Other (please specify)iii:                                      │       │
   │3. Details of person subject to the notification obligationiv           │
   │Name                                │Pendal Group Limited               │
   │City and country of registered      │Sydney, Australia                  │
   │office (if applicable)              │                                   │
   │4. Full name of shareholder(s) (if different from 3.)v                  │
   │Name                                │J O Hambro Capital Management      │
   │                                    │Limited                            │
   │City and country of registered      │London, United Kingdom             │
   │office (if applicable)              │                                   │
   │5. Date on which the threshold was  │29/11/2022                         │
   │crossed or reachedvi:               │                                   │
   │6. Date on which issuer notified    │30/11/2022                         │
   │(DD/MM/YYYY):                       │                                   │
   │7. Total positions of person(s) subject to the notification obligation  │
   │                │% of voting│  % of voting  │           │               │
   │                │  rights   │rights through │ Total of  │Total number of│
   │                │attached to│   financial   │ both in % │voting rights  │
   │                │  shares   │  instruments  │(8.A + 8.B)│held in        │
   │                │ (total of │(total of 8.B 1│           │issuervii      │
   │                │   8. A)   │   + 8.B 2)    │           │               │
   │Resulting       │           │               │           │               │
   │situation on the│           │               │           │               │
   │date on which   │ Less than │ Less than 5%  │ 5.004899% │ 26,083,404.00 │
   │threshold was   │    5%     │               │           │               │
   │crossed or      │           │               │           │               │
   │reached         │           │               │           │               │
   │Position of     │           │               │           │               │
   │previous        │           │               │           │               │
   │notification (if│    n/a    │      n/a      │    n/a    │               │
   │                │           │               │           │               │
   │applicable)     │           │               │           │               │
   │                │           │       │       │           │       │       │




   │8. Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the │
   │threshold was crossed or reachedviii                                    │
   │A: Voting rights attached to shares                                     │
   │Class/type of    │Number of voting rightsix    │% of voting rights      │
   │shares           ├────────────┬────────────────┼──────────┬─────────────┤
   │                 │   Direct   │    Indirect    │  Direct  │  Indirect   │
   │ISIN code (if    │            │                │          │             │
   │possible)        │  (DTR5.1)  │   (DTR5.2.1)   │ (DTR5.1) │ (DTR5.2.1)  │
   │GB00B0H2K534     │            │Less than 5%    │          │Less than 5% │
   │                 │            │                │          │             │
   │SUBTOTAL 8. A    │        Less than 5%         │      Less than 5%      │



   │B 1: Financial Instruments according to DTR5.3.1R (1) (a)               │
   │            │          │             │Number of voting rights   │       │
   │Type of     │Expiration│Exercise/    │that may be acquired if   │% of   │
   │financial   │datex     │Conversion   │the instrument is         │voting │
   │instrument  │          │Periodxi     │                          │rights │
   │            │          │             │exercised/converted.      │       │
   │Equity: Lent│n/a       │n/a          │Less than 5%              │Less   │
   │Securities  │          │             │                          │than 5%│
   │            │          │             │                          │       │
   │            │          │SUBTOTAL 8. B│       Less than 5%       │ Less  │
   │            │          │1            │                          │than 5%│



   │B 2: Financial Instruments with similar economic effect according to    │
   │DTR5.3.1R (1) (b)                                                       │
   │                 │          │Exercise/  │Physical or    │Number │% of   │
   │Type of financial│Expiration│Conversion │cash           │of     │voting │
   │instrument       │datex     │Period xi  │               │voting │rights │
   │                 │          │           │settlementxii  │rights │       │
   │                 │          │           │               │       │       │
   │                 │          │           │SUBTOTAL 8.B.2 │       │       │











   │9. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification    │
   │obligation (please mark the                                             │
   │                                                                        │
   │applicable box with an “X”)                                             │
   │Person subject to the notification obligation is not controlled │       │
   │by any natural person or legal entity and does not control any  │       │
   │other undertaking(s) holding directly or indirectly an interest │       │
   │in the (underlying) issuerxiii                                  │       │
   │Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting  │       │
   │rights and/or the                                               │       │
   │financial instruments are effectively held starting with the    │   X   │
   │ultimate controlling natural person or legal entityxiv (please  │       │
   │add additional rows as necessary)                               │       │
   │                │   % of voting   │ % of voting rights │Total of both if│
   │                │  rights if it   │ through financial  │it equals or is │
   │     Namexv     │  equals or is   │ instruments if it  │higher than the │
   │                │ higher than the │equals or is higher │   notifiable   │
   │                │   notifiable    │than the notifiable │   threshold    │
   │                │    threshold    │     threshold      │                │
   │Pendal Group    │                 │                    │5.004899        │
   │Limited         │                 │                    │                │
   │J O Hambro      │                 │                    │                │
   │Capital         │                 │                    │5.004899        │
   │Management      │                 │                    │                │
   │Limited         │                 │                    │                │
   │                │                 │                    │                │
   │                                                                        │
   │10. In case of proxy voting, please identify:                           │
   │Name of the proxy holder          │                                     │
   │The number and % of voting rights │                                     │
   │held                              │                                     │
   │The date until which the voting   │                                     │
   │rights will be held               │                                     │
   │                                                                        │
   │11. Additional informationxvi                                           │
   │                                                                        │
   │                │                 │                    │        │       │


                        │Place of completion│London    │
                        │Date of completion │30/11/2022│



   ISIN:           GB00B0H2K534
   Category Code:  HOL
   TIDM:           PFC
   LEI Code:       2138004624W8CKCSJ177
   OAM Categories: 2.3. Major shareholding notifications
   Sequence No.:   205289
   EQS News ID:    1502259

   End of Announcement EQS News Service


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