Good morning, it’s Paul here with the SCVR for Wednesday.

Thanks to Tamzin & Tim at PIWorld for another utterly brilliant chat with Andy Brough. This is pure gold, I recommend everyone listens to it -

Timing - I started early today (too tired yesterday to do any more), so will be finished by lunchtime.

Agenda -

Latest covid/re-opening thoughts - bullish news

Quick recap on Saga (LON:SAGA) (I hold, my 2nd largest holding after Boohoo (LON:BOO) )

Sureserve (LON:SUR) - preliminary results for FY 09/2020

Bigdish (LON:DISH) - changing the business model yet again!

Dev Clever Holdings (LON:DEV) - shares going exponential. Looks very flimsy to me at >£100m mkt cap, buyer beware!


Covid/vaccine news

Seems to be very encouraging. Today’s papers are talking about “coming out of lockdown as soon as possible” (Sir Iain Duncan Smith). Vaccinations - 10 million people have now been vaccinated - if you’d told me a few months ago, that the vaccinations would be so well progressed by early Feb 2021, I’d have scoffed, and seen you as wildly optimistic. Yet that’s where we are. Hence share prices should be buoyant to reflect this.

Today, the press are reporting that a major study has shown the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine prevented all hospitalisations after 22 days, and that a single dose prevents two thirds of onward transmission. Obviously check the precise details yourself, I’m just regurgitating what’s in the Telegraph, and they have been known to get things wrong on occasion.

The above clearly means that we should be pricing in a return to near-normality into shares. Not at some distant point in the future, but imminently, i.e. the next 2-3 months. This is good for travel, leisure, hospitality, retailers (maybe), and the economy generally. I see a lot of pent-up demand, and a desire to splash out on luxuries, being unleashed. Although many shares have already anticipated recovery, so how much upside is left, I wonder? The opportunity is to find shares that haven’t yet anticipated a full recovery, with lots of upside to be had as they catch up. I've just this morning booked flights for a month in Malta in Sept/Oct. Why not?! I reckon we could see a stampede for holiday bookings.


I’m pondering how eCommerce might be affected?…

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