Photo of Archaic
Photo of Archaic


Company Director

  • Joined 12 Apr 2013
  • 0 posts


Middle aged, middle income, semi-retired, decent investment record, run a property portfoliio and a series of investment funds to create an income stream for me and family. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but ignorance is definitely not bliss. Very impressed with the level of info. available on Stockopedia, always willing to learn. Believe that no-one has all the answers, but everyone has something to say to learn from, I'd like to have the wisdom to pick the wheat from the chaff.

Investment strategy

Having a core of well-balanced companies - cash generative, decent priced, likely to grow, profit protective, dividend is useful as a guide to the confidence of management rather than a show stopper for me. Ideally found before any big share price movement - i.e. building momentum with decent news flow but before the big gains have been made - so they tend to be smaller or are in market areas where technology or geography acts as a following wind. I use Stockopedia as a prime research tool as it simplifies the quant analysis hugely. I try to leave 20% of the investment pot for more speculative selections where strong growth, possibly greater risk and volatility is present. I use various rules based screens to highlight companies worthy of closer inspection - I guess I am a farmer as I seek investments I am going to buy and hold for the long term rather than trade my way to profit. My biggest area of weakness is timing when to sell, usually it is a top-slice rather than a complete movement from a stock.