
AutoCorrelation is a mathematical measure, which can be used to assess how similar a time series is to a past version of itself. It can be used to identify whether there are repetitive patterns in a time series.

Stockopedia explains AutoCorrelation

Technical analysts often prefer to look at trends in past values rather than intrinsic values to assess a security’s value. AutoCorrelation, which is also known as Serial Correlation, is used to determine how accurately the future price of a security can be predicted given its past prices. An AutoCorrelation of +1 demonstrates perfect positive correlation, whereby an increase in one of the time series, leads to a directly proportional increase of the other. Conversely, an AutoCorrelation of -1 demonstrates a perfectly negative correlation, whereby an increase in one of the time series, leads to a directly proportional decrease of the other.

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The 5 highest AutoCorrelation Stocks in the Market

LON:DVNODevelop North-0.4252
LON:AMIFAmicorp FS (UK)-0.3626
LON:NTVNorthern 2 VCT-0.3143
LON:BEMOBarings Emerging Emea Opportunities-0.290
LON:MTVWMountview Estates P.L.C.-0.2960