No. of Broker Outperform Recommendations

This is the Number of Outperform Recommendations amongst analysts who cover the stocks. An Outperform Recommendation means that a stock is expected to do slightly better than the market return. This is also known as "moderate buy", or "accumulate".

Stockopedia explains # Outperform Recs

These recommendations should be taken with a pinch of salt. Due to the fact that many broking firms also provide corporate finance services to their clients, it has been shown that brokers are reluctant to put out 'sell' recommendations.

The majority of stocks analysed in the city are 'buys' or 'outperforms', and much research has indicated that stocks with a 'sell' rating actually outperform stocks with a 'buy' rating. This indicator is provided for reference only, but can sometimes be used as a useful contrarian signal.

Ranks: High to LowAvailable in screenerAvailable as Table Column

The 5 highest # Outperform Recs Stocks in the Market

TickerName# Outperform RecsStockRank™
LON:FLTRFlutter Entertainment15.0028